

Earaches and sore throats often occur before, during and after a bout with the common cold. The Eustachian tube runs from the back of the throat to the ear, and often becomes infected or irritated due to excess fluids. Earaches due to an infection are more common in children than adults. The throat can become sore due to excess mucus secretions in the throat as well as viral infections. A variety of home remedies may relieve symptoms. Still, if symptoms are not relieved, the sufferer should seek medical attention.
1. Place Heating Pad
Take a hot water bottle or damp a small washcloth in hot water and place it on the aching ear. The warmth gives a great relief from earache while improving the blood circulation.
2. Garlic
Garlic is a strong analgesic as well as antibiotic, therefore, gives a fast relief from earache. Take 1 teaspoon of crushed garlic and heat it in 2 tbsp. of sesame oil for a few minutes. Now, let it cool and then strain it. Now, pour 2-3 drops of this oil in the paining ear.
3. Ginger
Ginger is an excellent painkiller as well as it also has anti-inflammatory properties. Put fresh ginger juice into the affected ear. You can also heat 1 tablespoon of fresh ginger root in ¼ cup of sesame oil and then, apply it externally around the aching ear.
4. Olive Oil
Olive oil is also one of the best natural remedies for earache. It helps in getting rid of infection in the ear while relieving the pain. Pour 3-4 drops of warm olive oil into the aching ear with the help of a dropper or a cotton ball.
5. Basil Leaves
Crush some basil leaves and extract its juice. Put at least 2 drops of it into the infected ear to get relief from earache.
6. Onion
Grate an onion and take out its juice. Put 2-3 drops of it into the affected ear at least 2-3 times in a day. Onion is a good antiseptic and cures earache easily.
7. Eucalyptus Oil
Pour a few drops of eucalyptus oil into a bowl of boiling water. Add a teaspoon of Vicks to it. Now, inhale the steam of this water. Repeat this process until the pain lowers down. This reduces the pressure while also facilitating the drainage of accumulated fluids from the infected ear.
8. Bishop’s Weed Oil
It is one of the most effective home remedies for earache relief. You just need to add 1 teaspoon of bishop’s weed oil in 3 teaspoons of sesame oil. Then, heat it a bit. Pour 4-5 drops of this oil into the aching ear.
9. White Vinegar and Rubbing Alcohol
Mix some white vinegar and rubbing alcohol and pour few drops of this mixture into the infected ear. It will heal the infection while reducing the pain in the ear.
10. Peppermint
Pour few drops of fresh peppermint juice into the aching ear. You can also apply peppermint oil externally around the infected ear. But, make sure, you don’t put it directly into your ear. Peppermint is a good earache remedies to try at home.
11. Licorice
Heat some licorice herb in clarified butter. Apply this paste externally around the aching ear to get quick relief from chronic earache.
12. Tea Tree Oil
Pour few drops of tea tree oil into the aching ear. Tea tree oil works best for treating ear infections while eliminating the pain, caused due to it.
13. Radish
Radish also helps to relieve severe earache. Chop some radish and heat it in mustard oil. Allow it to cool, then strain. Now, put few drops of this oil into the aching ear.
14. Try Over-the-counter Drugs
Over-the-counter medicines, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, can relieve the pain to a large extent, though it will not eliminate the infection.
15. Hair Dryer
Moist heat is also an effective way to get rid of earaches. After a bath, dry your ears with a hair dryer. Don’t wipe your ears with a towel. Put the dryer at warm setting and hold it at a distance from the ear. Dry the moisture present in your ear with the dryer for not more than 5 minutes.
16. Salt
Take 4-5 tablespoons of salt and heat it in a pan until it becomes a bit brown in colour. Now, wrap it in a clean cloth. Press it over the infected ear for 2-5 minutes every day. Repeat it till the pain completely subsides.
17. Have Foods Rich in Vitamin C
Increase your intake of fruits that contain Vitamin C, such as oranges, lemons, and guavas.
18. Sleep in an Upright Position
This will avoid the build-up of pressure in the ear canal.
19. Sesame Oil
Heat sesame oil with the castor plant leaves. Then, strain it and let it cool. Insert 2-3 drops in the aching ear with the help of a dropper.
20. Chewing Gum
If the cause of the earache is pressure or high altitude, it can be cured by chewing gum.
21. Echinacea
Echinacea is also very effective in curing bad earaches.
22. Apple Cider Vinegar
Mix some apple cider vinegar with rubbing alcohol and put 2-3 drops of this solution into the infected ear. Let it remain for a few minutes. This remedy works well if repeated at least 2-3 times in a day.
23. Hydrogen Peroxide
This is one of the most common home remedies to treat ear pain, caused due to infections. Pour 2-3 drops of hydrogen peroxide into the infected ear. Let it sit for about 2 minutes, and then, drain it out.
24. Mango Leaves
Heat some mango leaves. Extract its juice and then, pour a few drops into the aching ear. Let it be for a night. It is really effective in treating ear aches.

Symptoms to look for: Earache
• Sharp or dull pain in ear
• Itching sensation
• Ringing or buzzing sound
• Hearing loss
• Swelling 
·         Injury to the ear canal
·         Moisture inside the ear
·         Blockage of the Eustachian tube due to:
·         Environmental smoke
·         Allergies
·         Infection
·         Deposition of wax
·         During a flight
·         Constant exposure to loud sounds

Tips: • Chew gum or yawn to avoid earache on flights. This contracts the muscles and opens up the Eustachian tubes
Natural home remedy using garlic and mustard oil:

1. Take 2 cloves of garlic
2. Add 2 tsp mustard oil
3. Mix and heat till garlic turns black
4. Allow the oil to cool
5. Put 2-3 drops of the oil inside the affected ear

• Garlic's analgesic properties help relieve the pain

Natural home remedy using basil leaves:

1. Crush few basil leaves
2. Press them on a sieve and extract juice
3. Strain the juice using a fine strainer
4. Pour 2 drops of this juice in the infected ear

These home remedy are completely natural, non-invasive, and can be prepared at home. Consult your doctor if the symptoms persist.