

Over 80% of the population will suffer from lower back pain during their lives. Most cases of lower back pain can be linked to a general cause—such as muscle strain, injury, or overuse—or can be attributed to a specific condition of the spine, most commonly:
  • Herniated Disc
  • Degenerative Disc Disease
  • Spondylolisthesis
  • Spinal Stenosis
  • Osteoarthritis
A number of less common conditions can cause low back pain as well, such as sacroiliac joint dysfunction, spinal tumors, fibromyalgia, and piriformis syndrome.

Home Remedies for Lower Back Pain
1. Oil Therapy
  • Take 4 tablespoons of mustard oil, sesame oil or coconut oil. Put it on low flames and fry 7-10 garlic cloves till they turn light brown. Then, strain the oil. Allow it to cool. Massage this oil on your lower back. Use this therapy regularly for 15 days or so, to get effective results.
  • Massage with warm castor oil also heals lower back pain.
  • Mix turpentine oil and warm mint oil. Rub it gently on the affected area for quick relief.
2. Heat Therapy
Put heating pads or hot packs on your back for 18-20 minutes. You can also soak in a hot tub or take a hot shower. For the best results, add Epsom salt to the hot water tub. It will stimulate the flow of blood towards the affected area and slow down nerve impulses, thus reducing the pain.
Note- If you are pregnant, avoid hot bath for long. If the temperature of your body remains more than 100° Fahrenheit for a longer duration, it may lead to miscarriage or birth defects. Therefore, you must consult a doctor before using this remedy.
3. Cold Therapy
Application of cold pack speeds up the healing process. Take some ice cubes. Wrap them in a plastic bag. Put it on your lower back. It acts as an anesthetic and gives you quick relief.
4. Potato
Grate a few raw potatoes and wrap them in a thin cloth. Use it as a poultice on your lower back. Keep it for at least one hour.
5. Cabbage Leaves
Put cabbage leaves in boiling milk. Boil until jelly-like paste is formed. Drape in a clean cloth and apply on the affected part. This is one of the best natural remedies for lower back pain.
6. Lemon Juice
Extract juice of a lemon and add some common salt to it. Stir well. Drink it on a regular basis, in order to get relief in lower back pain.
7. Milk
Milk is a good source of calcium. It strengthens the bones and minimizes the risk of osteoporosis and lower back pain. Add a tablespoon of honey in warm milk or water. Drink it to cure the pain.
8. Oats
Cook some whole oats. Mash them with vinegar. Apply it hot on your lower back to alleviate the ache.
9. Capsaicin Cream
Capsaicin is a compound that is found in chili peppers and has an analgesic effect. When applied topically, it helps reduce several types of chronic pain, including lower back pain. Apply capsaicin cream, four times a day. Initially, it will cause burning sensation or sting, but later, you will be relieved of pain.
10. Yoga
Yoga poses like locust posture, corpse pose, plow pose, cobra pose, and raised feet pose are very beneficial in soothing the pain.
11. Stretching Exercises
  • Lie down on your back with hands somewhat away from your body. Keep your feet together. Concentrating on your lumber region, take a deep breath. Turn your feet on the right side. At the same time, turn your head to the left. Take deep breaths and hold the posture for some time. Resume the initial position. Now, do it on the other side of the body. Stop the exercise instantly, if you feel pain; otherwise, carry out for ten minutes on each side of the body.
  • Partial crunches, wall sits, hamstring stretches and pelvic tilts are some other good exercises.
  • You can also opt for swimming. It fortifies your back muscles and abdominal, making them less susceptible to strain. While you swim, the buoyancy in water takes off the body’s pressure from the paining back for some time, hence, reducing the discomfort.
Note- Avoid doing stretching exercises, if the back pain is caused due to spasms.
12. Over-the-Counter (OTC) Medicines
You can use topical gels and creams like Zostrix, Bengay, and Aspercreme. These products contain menthol, camphor, capsaicin, eucalyptus and salicylate which provide relief from the back pain. Pain relievers such as Naproxen and Ibuprofen are also equally effective.
Note- It is recommended to check with your pharmacist or doctor before taking any such medications.
13. Engage Your Brain
Studies have revealed that being social, eating dark chocolate and listening to your favorite music releases endorphins, hormones that block pain signals and alleviate depression, stress and anxiety, thereby reducing back ache. Acupuncture, meditation, deep breathing, massage therapy and aerobic exercises are some other ways to stimulate the production of endorphins.
14. Take Enough Sleep
Insomnia or inadequate sleep worsens the chronic lower back ache. So, it’s very important to get sound sleep. If you are suffering from sleep disorders, use relaxation and psychological techniques, consume the correct foods, and cut back on caffeine.