

Stomach ulcers are painful sores that can be found in the stomach lining or small intestine. Stomach ulcers are also known as peptic ulcers. They occur when the thick layer of mucus that protects your stomach from digestive juices is reduced.
Ulcers can have several different causes, so traditional treatments depend on the root of the cause. Stomach ulcers are often treated with antibiotics for an infection or medications to reduce, block, or neutralize stomach acid.
Some stomach ulcers don't produce any symptoms. If present, they can include:
  • Abdominal pain just below the ribcage.
  • Indigestion
  • Nausea.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Vomiting.
  • Weight loss.
  • Bright or altered blood present in vomit or bowel motions.
  • Symptoms of anemia, such as light-headedness.
There are also natural home remedies you can use to help ease the symptoms of a stomach ulcer and help it heal.

1. Cabbage
Cabbage is a great remedy for a stomach ulcer. Being a lactic acid food, cabbage helps produce an amino acid that stimulates blood flow to the stomach lining. This in turn helps strengthen the stomach lining and heal the ulcer.
Plus, cabbage contains a good amount of vitamin C, which has been found to be particularly beneficial for patients with H. pylori infections. Also, experiments indicate that fresh carrot juice contains an anti-peptic ulcer factor (vitamin U).
  1. Cut one half of a raw head of cabbage and two carrots into small pieces and put them in a blender to extract the juice.
  2. Drink one-half cup of this juice before each meal and at bedtime.
  3. Repeat daily for a few weeks. Be sure to use fresh juice each time.
2. Bananas
For stomach ulcer treatment, both ripe and unripe bananas are very effective. There are certain antibacterial compounds in bananas that inhibit the growth of ulcer-causing H. pylori.
Bananas also protect the system by wiping out the acidity of gastric juices. This helps reduce inflammation and also strengthens the stomach lining.
  • To treat an ulcer, eat at least three ripe bananas a day. If you do not like eating bananas, you can make banana milkshakes.
  • Alternatively, peel two or three bananas and cut them into thin slices. Put the slices in the sun until they become dry. Grind the dried banana pieces into a fine powder. Mix together two tablespoons of this powder and one tablespoon of honey. Take this mixture three times a day for about a week.
3. Cayenne Pepper
Surprisingly, cayenne pepper is another very effective remedy for treating stomach ulcers. According to a review published in Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, the compound capsaicin present in cayenne pepper inhibits the secretion of stomach acids, boosts the production of alkali, and stimulates mucus secretions and gastric mucosal blood flow, thereby preventing and healing ulcers.
  • Mix one-eighth teaspoon of cayenne pepper in a glass of warm water. Drink it twice a day for the first two to three days. Gradually increase the amount of cayenne pepper up to one-quarter-teaspoon twice daily for the rest of the week.
  • Alternatively, take cayenne capsules that you can buy at health food stores. Take three capsules a day immediately after meals for one week.
  • You can also add a pinch of cayenne pepper to soups, meats and other savory dishes.
4. Coconut
Coconut is very good for people suffering from stomach ulcers because of its antibacterial qualities. It kills the bacteria that cause ulcers. Moreover, coconut milk and coconut water have anti-ulcer properties.
  • Drink a few cups of fresh coconut milk or tender coconut water daily. Also, eat the kernel of the tender coconut. Follow this treatment for at least one week to get positive results.
  • Alternatively, take one tablespoon of coconut oil in the morning and another at night for one week. As coconut oil is mainly composed of medium-chain fatty acids, it can be easily digested.
5. Licorice
Several studies suggest that licorice works effectively for treating and preventing stomach ulcers. It helps the stomach and intestines produce more protective mucus that forms a coating over the stomach lining. This in turn eases the pain from ulcers and speeds up the healing process.
  • Mix one-half teaspoon of licorice root powder in one cup of water. Cover it and let it sit overnight. The next morning, add one cup of cooked broken white rice (a grade of rice consisting of grains broken during the milling process) into this infusion and eat it. Repeat daily for one week to get positive results.
  • Another option is to drink licorice tea two or three times a day for one week.
  • Alternatively, you can chew and then swallow two or three deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL) tablets three times a day for about a week. You can easily find these 380 mg tablets in health food stores.
6. Fenugreek
Fenugreek is known for its powerful healing properties and health benefits. You can use it to treat stomach ulcers also. Being rich in a mucilaginous compound, fenugreek protects the stomach’s lining by coating it like mucus, thereby facilitating the process of healing.
  • Boil one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in two cups of water. Strain and drink it after adding a little honey to it.
  • Another option is to consume one teaspoon of fenugreek seed powder along with milk.
  • Alternatively, you can boil one cup of fenugreek leaves, add a little honey, and eat it twice a day.

7. Honey
Raw honey has potent healing properties that help a lot in the treatment of stomach ulcers. An enzyme called glucose oxidase in honey produces hydrogen peroxide, which in turn kills harmful bacteria that cause ulcers. Plus, it soothes and reduces the inflammation of the stomach lining.
Take two tablespoons of raw honey daily, early in the morning on an empty stomach. It will help cleanse the bowel, strengthen the stomach lining, and prevent and treat stomach ulcers.

8. Garlic
Garlic also helps treat stomach ulcers. Researchers at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle discovered that the antibacterial and antimicrobial properties of garlic can keep levels of the Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) bacterium in check, which contribute to the development of stomach ulcers.
Simply take two to three crushed garlic cloves followed by a glass of water during the day. Do this on a daily basis to ease inflammation in the stomach and prevent stomach ulcers.
9. Slippery Elm
Slippery elm is another good remedy for stomach ulcers. The inner bark of the slippery elm contains a good amount of mucilage that soothes and calms inflammation and pain. Plus, the mucilage helps remove excess fats in the intestines.
  1. Take the inner bark of the slippery elm and grind it into a powder.
  2. Mix one teaspoon of this powder in one cup of warm water.
  3. Drink this mixture three times a day for one week.
10. Wood Apple
Leaves of wood apple, also known as bael, is also very useful in the treatment of stomach ulcers. The tannins present in the leaves help protect the stomach against damage from secretion of excess acid. Juice extracted from wood apple fruit also helps reduce pain and inflammation due to its mucilage content.

REMEMBER: Certain lifestyle changes can also help prevent ulcers from forming. Limiting alcohol consumption, avoiding tobacco products, and properly managing stress can all contribute to a healthy stomach lining.