
Home Remedies For Herpes


Herpes is an infection that is caused by a herpes simplex virus (HSV). Oral herpes causes sores around the mouth or face. Genital herpes affects the genitals, buttocks or anal area. Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease (STD). It affects the genitals, buttocks or anal area. Other herpes infections can affect the eyes, skin, or other parts of the body. The virus can be dangerous in newborn babies or in people with weak immune systems.

There are two types of HSV:
HSV type 1 most commonly causes cold sores. It can also cause genital herpes.
HSV type 2 is the usual cause of genital herpes, but it also can infect the mouth.
HSV spreads through direct contact. Some people have no symptoms. Others get sores near the area where the virus has entered the body. They turn into blisters, become itchy and painful, and then heal.

Sign and Symptoms
Many people who get the virus that causes herpes never see or feel anything. If signs (what you see) or symptoms (what you feel) occur, a person may experience:
Tingling, itching, or burning: Before the blisters appear, the skin may tingle, itch, or burn for a day or so.
Sores: One or more painful, fluid-filled blisters may appear. Blisters break open and often ooze fluid and form a crust, before healing. The first time sores appear, they will show up between 2 and 20 days after a person has contact with an infected person. The sores can last from 7 to 10 days. Where the sores appear often varies with type:
Oral herpes (HSV-1): Most blisters appear on the lips or around the mouth. Sometimes blisters form on the face or on the tongue. Although these are the most common places to find oral herpes, the sores can appear anywhere on the skin.
Genital herpes (HSV-2): Sores typically occur on the penis, vagina, buttocks, or anus. Women can have sores inside the vagina. Like oral herpes, these sores can appear anywhere on the skin.
Flu-like symptoms. Fever, muscle aches, or swollen lymph nodes (glands) in the neck (oral herpes) or groin (genital herpes) are possible.
Problems urinating. People (most often women) with genital herpes may have trouble urinating or have a burning feeling while urinating.
An eye infection (herpes keratitis). Sometimes the herpes simplex virus can spread to one or both eyes. If this happens, you can have pain, light sensitivity, discharge, and a gritty feeling in the eye. Without prompt treatment, scarring of the eye may result. Scarring can lead to cloudy vision and even loss of vision.

If you develop signs and symptoms of herpes simplex, you can expect to have these for as long as listed below:
Oral (mouth) herpes: 2 to 3 weeks
Genital herpes: 2 to 6 weeks (the first outbreak)

Remedies for Herpes
Can you treat herpes at home? Well, yes! Here are some easy and quick natural remedies for herpes outbreak. Take a look.
1. Olive Oil
Olive oil is known for moisturizing the skin. It is rich in anti-oxidants and is one of the best home remedies for herpes sores. Take one cup of olive oil. Heat it in a pot and add some lavender oil and bee wax in it. Let the mixture cool down. After cooling, apply the mixture on the infected area.
2. Echinacea
Echinacea is a medicinal plant and has anti-viral properties. It is known for enhancing the immune system. All parts of Echinacea plant, namely flowers, leaves, and roots can be used for healing herpes. It can be consumed in the form of tea, juices, or pills.
3. Ice Pack
The simplest method at home to cure the herpes is ice. Ice provides immense relief in herpes pain. Take some ice and crush them. Fill the crushed ice in a plastic bag. Wrap the plastic bag in a sheet-like thick cloth. Place it on the sores for 10-15 minutes to get rid of swelling and itching. Repeat the method for multiple times in a day.
Note- Long exposure of genital parts to ice can damage the tissues.
4. Baking Soda
Baking soda is an effective treatment for getting rid of herpes fast. It provides relief in the itchy and painful sores. Take a cotton ball and damp it in baking soda. Apply it directly on the infected area. It helps to dry out the oozing blisters.
Note- In order to avoid contamination, don’t re-dip the cotton ball in baking soda.
5. Tea Tree Oil
To heal the herpes sores outbreak, tea tree oil is a useful remedy. Take some water in a glass. Add few drops of tea tree oil and gargle to remove ulcers from mouth. For genital herpes, use an eye-dropper to put drops on the infected area.
6. Lemon Balm
Lemon balm is one of the most effective herbal remedies for herpes. It has flavonoids, phenolic acid, and rosmarinic acid, which helps in healing the sores or blisters. Prepare a lemon balm tea. Let it steep for some time. Then, soak a cotton ball in it and apply directly on the sores.
Add 2-3 ml of lemon balm tincture in water. Stir it well and drink. This alcohol-based liquid extract is effective for sores. Drink the solution thrice a day.
Lemon balm is also available in the form of creams and ointments. Apply the cream directly to heal the herpes.
7. Licorice Roots
Licorice roots consist of therapeutic properties, which are helpful for the treatment of herpes infection. Licorice has glycyrrhizic acid, which fights against the herpes virus. For the treatment of herpes, the extracts of licorice roots can be effective.
Alternatively, intake 2 capsules of the extracts of the roots of licorice.
Note- Excessive use of licorice may result in hypertension and lowering of potassium. So, individuals suffering from heart problems and pregnant women should avoid the intake of licorice.
8. Tea Bags
Black tea is highly rich in tannin. It is known for anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties. Prepare a cup of black tea with the help of tea bag. Allow it to cool down. After cooling, apply the tea bag on the infected area. Leave it for 5 minutes on the sores. For best results, repeat the process twice or thrice a day.
9. Cornstarch
One of the best remedies for herpes is cornstarch. Cornstarch helps in absorbing excessive moisture from the skin. It helps in reducing chafing and itching. To dry the herpes sores, apply some cornstarch directly on the infected area. Take a cotton ball and dip it in the cornstarch. Dab it gently on the sores.
Note: To circumvent contamination, do not put used cotton ball again in the clean cornstarch.
10. Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe vera is the best remedy with its natural healing properties. It can be effective for herpes blisters. To soothe the itching and redness, pure aloe vera gel should be used on sores.
Else, take a fresh leaf of aloe vera. Cut it into two halves. Apply one of the gelled parts directly on the infected area.
11. Epsom Salt
Bathing with Epsom salt water is the best remedy to soothe the itching and pain in herpes. Add some Epsom salt in warm bathing water. Take a bath from it. This remedy makes the sores dry, thereby reducing itching.
You can also add some salt in the bath tub. Soak herpes infected area in the water. Allow it to dry and then, take a shower.
12. Domeboro Powder
Domeboro powder can be used for healing the herpes infection. It can be used on the sores in the form of compress or wet dressing. The powder helps in soothing the irritated and itchy skin. All you need to do is to mix one packet of domeboro powder in water as per the directions given on the packet. Now, dip a piece of clean cloth in the solution. Apply the cloth directly on the infected area.
13. Lysine
One of the other natural remedies for herpes is lysine. It is a kind of amino acids that is found in foods, including milk, brewer’s yeast, cheeses, chicken, etc. It is known for reducing herpes outbreak.
Lysine cream is also available in the market. It can be applied on the infected areas.
14. Black Coffee
Herpes virus infects not only genital parts, but also lips, mouth, etc. Black coffee is one of the best remedies to treat them. Blisters in the mouth cause severe pain. To treat them fast, you are required to prepare black coffee. Let it cool down and take a sip. Hold it in the mouth for some time. Move it onto the lips as well. For best results, repeat the process twice a day.
15. Soap and Warm Water
Soaking the herpes sore in warm water surely relieves the pain and itching. To keep the affected area infection-free and clean, use soap.
Note- Don’t forget to dry your genital parts with a clean towel. Do not share bath tub with an infected person.
16. Herbal Tea
Herbal tea is an effective solution for avoiding any type of skin diseases. For treating pain and itching arising due to herpes, herbal teas, like lemon, ginger, cinnamon, and chamomile are very effective.
17. Manuka Honey
Manuka honey has anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. It helps in quick healing of herpes blisters and cold sores. You just need to apply some manuka honey directly on the infected area.
18. Over-the-counter Medicines
Pain relievers or over-the-counter analgesics are useful in relieving the aching herpes outburst. Some of the OTC medications include ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and aspirin. To treat herpes sores, some ointments, like propolis, can also be applied on the infected area.
19. Natural Oils
Natural oils are effective in relieving the herpes ache and itching. Olive, jojoba, tea tree, vitamin E, camellia, and calendula oils are known for fighting against the virus. You just need to apply any of the natural oil or mixture of some oils on the infected area, gently. This will heal the infected skin.
20. Goldenseal
Goldenseal is another natural treatment for herpes. Take some walnut hull powder and add Echinacea and goldenseal in it. Stir it well to make a paste. Apply the paste on the infected area. Goldenseal is also available in pills, tincture, salve, and bulk powder.
21. Oregano Oil
Oregano oil, with its anti-viral properties, helps in the speedy recovery of herpes blisters. You just need to apply some oregano oil directly on the infected area.

Apply medicine that you can buy without a prescription, such as benzocaine and L-lysine, to the blisters.
Put ice on the blisters.
Avoid things that could trigger another outbreak, such as stress and getting a sunburn.
Avoid spreading the virus
The following may reduce the risk of spreading the herpes simplex virus:
Oral herpes (herpes simplex type 1)
If you have sores on your face:
Do not kiss anyone.
Do not have oral sex.
Do not share items such as silverware, cups, towels, and lip balms.
If you have tingling, burning, itching, or tenderness where you had a herpes sore, keep that area of your body away from others.
You can prevent spreading the sores to other parts of your body by:
Washing your hands after touching a cold sore.
Using a cotton-tip swab to apply herpes medicine to a cold sore also helps.
Genital herpes (herpes simplex type 2)
When you have sores or symptoms do not have sex with uninfected partners.
If you do not have sores or symptoms, use a latex condom to lower the risk of spreading the virus. You should know that even with a condom, it is possible to spread the virus if it lies on nearby skin that the condom does not cover.
If you are pregnant tell your doctor if you or your partner has genital herpes. You may need to take medicine at the end of your pregnancy to prevent passing the virus to your baby.A