
Home Remedies For Baldness


Men can feel less good about their own appearance when they lose hair. This can sometimes affect their mood and well-being.
There is more risk of sunburn and sun-related skin damage when the skin is not protected by hair. This can be avoided by the use of suntan lotions and hats.
Women with male pattern baldness should be checked for causes of raised male hormone levels. For example, conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome - a condition in which cysts develop in the ovaries.

Remedies for Baldness
26. Curry Leaves
Curry leaves are also effectual against baldness. This remedy suggests boiling curry leaves in coconut oil until the mixture turns black. Filter it to remove curry leaves. Massage gently with this oil to promote hair growth.
27. Snake Gourd
Being a natural antibiotic, snake gourd is helpful in treating baldness. All you are required to do is to extract some juice of snake gourd. Apply it on scalp, covering the bald patches.
28. Amaranth Juice
To treat baldness, extract some juice from amaranth leaves. Apply this fresh juice on hair roots, especially on bald patches. This herbal juice will surely promote hair growth.
29. Olive Oil and Cumin Seeds
Cumin seeds are a natural remedy for hair loss. You just need to add one teaspoon of cumin seeds in half cup of olive oil. Mix it well and rub it gently on the scalp.
30. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a wonder solution for baldness. You just need to rinse your hair with ACV. It works as a natural conditioner and prevents hair fall.
You can also apply apple cider vinegar on the scalp and hair for overnight. Wash it in the morning. It opens up clogged hair follicles and strengthens the hair roots.
31. Arnica Oil
To combat against hair fall, arnica oil is an effective remedy. Arnica oil is taken out from arnica leaves, which possesses anti-inflammatory properties. Just massage your hair with some arnica oil. This oil works effectively on clogged hair follicles.
32. Alfalfa Juice
For the treatment of hair fall, alfalfa juice is a powerful remedy. When it is mixed with various other vegetable juices, it becomes more effective remedy to cure baldness. You are required to add alfalfa juice with coriander or lettuce or spinach juice. Mix it well and drink it regularly.
33. Banana
Banana is not only good for skin problems, but also for treating several hair problems, like hair fall, dandruff, split ends, dry hair, etc. To treat baldness, you need to prepare a shake of banana, honey, yogurt, and skimmed milk. Drink it after stirring it well.
You can also prepare a revitalising hair mask with the help of banana and avocado. Mash two bananas and add 2 tablespoons of honey, 3 tablespoons of buttermilk, 3 tablespoons of olive oil, and mashed avocado in it. Blend all the ingredients well. Apply this mixture on the scalp and hair strands. Leave it for 20 minutes. Wash it with warm water.
34. Cinnamon Powder
Cinnamon powder is beneficial against baldness. Prepare a fine paste by adding one teaspoon of cinnamon powder, one tablespoon of honey and olive oil. Apply it gently on the scalp. After 15 minutes, rinse with water.
35. Baking Soda
For treating baldness, take 2-3 cups of warm water. Add 2 tablespoons of baking soda in it. Stir it well until baking soda gets completely dissolved. Use it like a shampoo. Pour it on the head and gently massage with it.
You can also prepare a clarifying mask with the help of lemon and baking soda. You need to mix two tablespoons of baking soda with 3-4 drops of lemon juice. Put this mixture in ¼ cup of an organic shampoo. Shake it well and use it as your regular shampoo. For effective results, use this method once in 4 weeks.
36. Oatmeal
Oatmeal is a fibre-rich food, which is helpful in combating baldness. To prevent hair loss, consume oatmeal on a regular basis. It is rich in vitamin C and omega-3 fatty acids, which fight against the hair problems, including baldness. To make it more nutritive, add pieces of pumpkin, berries, and nuts in it.
Note: If one suffers with abnormal hair fall after consuming oatmeal, consult a physician.
37. Emu Oil
Emu oil is effective against hair loss. Being effective emulsifier, emu oil is a natural treatment for hair loss. Just dilute emu oil by adding little quantity of water. Massage it gently on the scalp.
You can also apply emu oil directly on the scalp. Cover your head with a shower cap and leave it overnight. Wash your hair with shampoo.
38. Rosemary Leaves
Boil a few dried leaves of rosemary in a glass of water for some time. After boiling, strain it to remove leaves. Use this water to rinse your hair. Rosemary works effectively against hair loss and promotes proper blood circulation.
You can also add a few drops of camphor oil, lavender oil and lemon juice in rosemary water or tea. Dip a cotton ball in this solution and dab it on the affected area.
For the growth of hair, you can also use rosemary oil. Add one ounce of grapeseed oil in two tablespoons of rosemary oil. Massage it gently on the scalp and let it rest for a few minutes.
You can also add four drops of cedar wood oil and six drops of rosemary oil in 4½ teaspoons of jojoba oil. Mix it well and apply it on the scalp.
39. Herbal Mix (Bhringraj, Dashmoola, and Jatamansi)
It is a fact that washing your hair with herbal powders can maintain the health of hair. To prepare an herbal mix, you need to mix jatamansi, dashmoola, and bhringraj in a proportion of 3:5:4. After mixing herbal powders, add some goat milk in it to make a paste. Apply it on the scalp. After some time, rinse off your hair with water.
40. Triphala Powder
To prevent hair loss or baldness, prepare a paste of triphala powder and aloe vera gel. Apply it on the scalp. Rinse with water. For effective results, practice this remedy once in three weeks.
41. Sagvan Seeds Oil
To treat hair loss, sagvan seeds oil is very effective. All you need to do is to massage your scalp with some oil of sagvan seeds. It will stimulate hair growth.
42. Shana Seeds Powder
Shana seeds powder, when mixed with natural coconut oil or any other essential oil, becomes a strong blend for hair loss. Mix all the ingredients well to make a fine paste. Apply it on the scalp and let it rest for 15 minutes. Rinse your hair with water.
You can also use castor oil in place of coconut oil to make a smooth paste. All you need to do is to mix shana seeds powder in lukewarm castor oil. Apply it directly on the scalp. Leave it for 30 minutes and rinse off with a mild shampoo. For effective results, practice this remedy twice a week.
43. Green Tea
Green tea is a natural antioxidant with numerous health benefits. You have to prepare green tea by placing two tea bags in a cup of boiling water. When it cools down, apply this herbal tea on the scalp, covering the affected area. Leave it for an hour and then, rinse with water. The antioxidants present in tea will boost hair growth and fight against baldness.
44. Coconut Milk
Coconut oil is beneficial in nourishing hair and reducing hair loss. This remedy suggests grinding coconut scraps in grinder. Extract coconut milk by squeezing the paste formed after grinding. Gently apply this coconut milk on the scalp. Let it rest for 20 minutes. For best results, apply or massage your hair with coconut milk, once in a week.
45. Neem
One of the most curable herbal plants is neem. It is most commonly used for treating several skin problems, as well as hair problems. For curing baldness, you are required to make a paste of neem leaf powder. Mix some neem leaf powder in some fresh aloe vera juice. Add some drops of herbal amla in it and stir it well. Apply this herbal paste on hair roots, covering the affected area. After 30 minutes, wash it with water. For experiencing best results, practice this method twice a week.
You can also use neem juice for treating baldness or hair loss. All you need to do is to boil some fresh neem leaves in water. Boil it until the solution reduces to its half. When the water cools down, wash your hair with it. Follow this method two times a week.
46. Homemade Brew
To reduce or eliminate hair fall, you can prepare a natural concoction at home. For this, you need to mix a teaspoon of pepper in 30-45 ml vodka or alcohol. Stir it well and add this solution in water. Now, rinse your hair with this water.
47. Tabasco Sauce
Can tabasco sauce be effective for baldness? Yes, it provides satisfying results! Just add some drops of tabasco sauce in the regular shampoo. Mix it well and use it to wash your hair.
48. Raw Mangoes
Soak some raw mango pieces in any natural oil. Keep it soaked for at least one year. Then, massage the bald area with the help of this infused oil. For best results, use it on a regular basis.
Instead of pieces, you can also use raw mango pulp.
49. Datura
For treating baldness, datura can prove beneficial. You have to take a soft datura fruit and crush it to make a paste by adding little quantity of water. Place it on the affected area.
50. Exercise
Apart from using various natural ingredients for treating hair loss or baldness, some exercise can also help in promoting hair growth. Just rub fingernails of your left and right hand with each other. This is one of the most cost-effective remedies for baldness.