
Home Remedies For Dark Color Elbows

Coloured Elbows

When the skin on your elbows, knees and sometimes even ankles looks dark, it’s because a thick, dead skin has built up, which is then aggravated by friction and any pressure you place on those areas.
Elbows and knees have folds in them that make it super convenient for them to get dark — and they can get dark as a result of wearing that sweater that you’ve washed so many times that not even a gallon of fabric softener keeps it from cutting into your elbows every time you lean on them. Not exfoliating enough and getting too much sun can also contribute to dark elbows and knees, as can having dry skin. And of course, leaning on them, pressing them on tables and the arms of a chair, and even flexing them can pile on the buildup of dead skin.

Remedies for dark Coloured Elbows and Knees
1. Coconut Oil
Rubbing coconut oil on the darkened elbows and knees is a great way of getting fair coloured elbows and knees.
2. Olive Oil
Apply olive oil for wonderful and discolored knees and elbows.
3. Lemon Juice
Lemon juice will surely give you your expected results, once you start applying it.
4. Sugar + Lemon
Take half already squeezed lemon and put sugar inside the lemon peel. Now, rub this on your both knees and elbows. Do this for at least a week for superb results.
5. Almond Powder & Yogurt
Almond powder will gently exfoliate, and yogurt will naturally clean your elbows and knees while leaving them fair and soft.
6. Lemon & Salt
Lemon plus salt is a great way to exfoliate your darkened elbows and knees. Mix salt in lemon juice or put salt in a squeezed lemon. Apply it. You will surely get exceptional results.
7. Lemon + Baking Soda
The combo of lemon and baking soda is a wonderful and great natural bleacher. It will help you to get rid of your dark coloured elbows and knees.
8. Gram Flour + Curd
Gram flour works as a natural skin softener and tan remover. Gram flour with yogurt is a very old method to stay fair and glowy. Use this to get fairer and whiter elbows and knees.
9. Milk & Turmeric Powder
Adding milk in turmeric powder is a great way to achieve fair elbows and knees.
10. Pumice Stone
Daily exfoliate with a pumice stone to remove dark coloured skin from your elbows and knees.
11. Cucumber
Apply the cucumber juice or rub a slice of cucumber on the knees and elbows to get rid of that embarrassing dark coloured elbows and knees.
12. Sandalwood Powder with Turmeric Powder
Mix turmeric powder plus sandalwood powder with rosewater to make your elbows and knees fair and white.

Normal skin contains cells called melanocytes. These cells produce melanin, the substance that gives skin its color.
·         Skin with too much melanin is called hyper pigmented skin.
·         Skin with too little melanin is called hypo pigmented skin.
Pale skin areas are due to too little melanin or underactive melanocytes. Darker areas of skin (or an area that tans more easily) occurs when you have more melanin or overactive melanocytes.
Bronzing of the skin may sometimes be mistaken for a suntan. This skin discoloration often develops slowly, starting at the elbows, knuckles, and knees and spreading from there. Bronzing may also be seen on the soles of the feet and the palms of the hands. The bronze color can range from light to dark (in fair-skinned people) with the degree of darkness due to the underlying cause.