
Home Remedies For Skin Warts

Skin warts

When skin warts appear, it can seem as if the harmless growths came out of nowhere. But common warts are actually an infection in the top layer of skin, caused by viruses in the human papillomavirus, or HPV, family. When the virus invades this outer layer of skin, usually through a tiny scratch, it causes rapid growth of cells on the outer layer of skin – creating the wart.
Since everyone encounters the viruses that cause warts, why do some people get skin warts while others do not? Doctors aren’t sure, but they believe that certain individuals have immune systems that are more able to fight off the viruses and prevent warts from growing.
For example, children get skin warts much more often than adults. This is probably because their immune systems have not yet built a strong defense against the numerous strains of human papillomavirus that they will encounter over their lifetimes.

Remedies for skin warts
1. Garlic
Garlic has antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties that fight viral infections.
  1. Crush a garlic clove and apply it on the affected area. Cover it with a bandage.
  2. Leave it on for about 20 minutes and then wash the area thoroughly.
  3. Repeat this treatment twice daily for about a week. The caustic effect of the garlic will cause the wart to blister and fall off. Larger warts may take longer to heal.
If you do not like the smell of garlic, you can take garlic capsules three times a day for a week.
2. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar also has antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties.
  1. Dilute two parts apple cider vinegar in one part water.
  2. Apply this solution on the affected area using a clean cotton ball. Cover the area with a bandage or tape.
  3. Repeat this simple remedy for a few weeks. Within a few days, the warts will start turning black. Soon after, the warts will fall off leaving a small mark that will gradually vanish.
3. Vitamin C
Vitamin C is highly acidic in nature and hence can help wear the wart away and also fight the virus itself.
  1. Crush two to three vitamin C tablets in a bowl.
  2. Add a little water and mix it to form a fine paste.
  3. Rub the paste on your warts and cover the area with a bandage. Initially it will cause some burning sensation, but it will quickly go away.
4. Hot Water Soak
Soaking warts in slightly hot water will soften them and help them to heal quickly. A hot water soak will also help fight the virus and prevent infection. Plain hot water is fine, but some white vinegar or Epsom salt can also be added to make the treatment more effective.
Before following this remedy, slough the affected skin area with an emery board or pumice stone for best results. Also, make sure the water is not too hot to prevent burning your skin.
5. Baking Soda
Due to the antiseptic and strong anti-inflammatory properties present in baking soda, it can help combat viruses that cause warts.
  • Mix one teaspoon of white vinegar with baking soda to make a thick paste. Dab the paste on your warts twice a day (once in the morning and once at night).
  • You can also mix baking soda and castor oil together to form a paste. Apply it to the wart and cover the area with a bandage. Leave it on overnight and remove the bandage the next morning. Repeat this remedy for several days, until the wart is gone.
6. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is known for its anti-inflammatory properties that can be very effective in treating warts.
  1. Extract the gel from an aloe vera leaf.
  2. Apply the fresh aloe vera gel on your wart using a clean cotton ball. Then use a bandage or tape to hold the cotton ball over the wart.
  3. Repeat the process twice daily for two weeks.
If you do not have an aloe vera plant at home, you can buy aloe vera gel at the drug store and rub it on the wart several times a day.
7. Tree Tea Oil
Tea tree oil has strong antiviral properties, making it a great natural ingredient to treat warts.
  1. Tea tree oil is very strong so dilute it with water or aloe vera gel before using it on the affected skin area.
  2. Apply the diluted tea tree oil on your warts several times during the day and especially at night before going to bed.
The oil is easily absorbed by the skin, so it will immediately fight the virus causing this problem.
8. Castor Oil
Pure cold-pressed castor oil can be used to cure various skin disorders, including warts. The main component of castor oil is ricinoleic acid, which is known to have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Castor oil works best on small, flat warts on the face and the back of the hands.
  1. Apply castor oil on your warts several times a day. Make sure the affected area is thoroughly soaked and covered with the oil.
  2. Before going to bed, soak a cotton ball in castor oil and tape it over your wart. In the morning, clean the wart and soak it in warm water for a few minutes. Then rub off the dead skin with a pumice stone.
  3. Repeat this remedy for a few days. The wart will become dark and gradually fall off.
9. Banana Peel
Banana peels have strong antioxidant properties that can successfully treat warts. The chemicals and oils present in the banana peel will dissolve the wart and help your immune system fight off the virus that caused it.
  • Cut a piece of banana peel and tape it over your wart. Do this as often as you can and especially before going to bed, leaving it on overnight. For faster results, use green banana peels rather than peels from ripe bananas.
  • You can also rub the affected area gently with a fresh slice of banana. Depending on the size and type of wart, you may have to repeat this remedy for several days to several weeks.

If you are someone who frequently gets common skin warts, it is important to focus on prevention and treat your skin warts promptly when they do appear.
The first way to prevent skin warts is to avoid coming into contact with the virus:
  • Be sure you wash your hands thoroughly and regularly.
  • If you work out at a gym, make sure that you clean equipment before use with a clean towel.
  • Protect yourself in the gym locker room and shower by wearing rubber flip-flops or sandals.
The second way to prevent skin warts is to keep your skin as cut- and nick-free as possible.
Try to keep skin healthy and moisturized to avoid having open cuts or fissures in the skin, which would provide a portal for the virus to get into the skin.