

Bruises is the skin infections, which caused by some injury or burn on the skin. If these bruises did not get cured on time they can turn into a lifetime scar. There are so many home remedies to get rid of bruises fast and naturally. The scars of the bruises should be cured at an early stage. Otherwise, they can lead to non-removable scars. They can affect the beauty of the persons

You’ve probably heard doctors on TV shows describing their patients’ ailments and referring to “numerous contusions.” Contusions can be very serious, but the vast majority of the time they are simply good, old-fashioned bruises caused by relatively mild injuries.
Bruises, known as contusions in the medical field, are characterized by skin discoloration, pain and swelling. They develop from bleeding under the skin that occurs when blood vessels are broken.
Usually starting as pink or red marks, they can become blue or deep purple within hours. The color tends to be more intense when the broken capillaries are closer to the surface

  • Injury
  • While exercising
  • Banging or bumping against something
  • Fragile skin
  • Mark on the skin (blue, purple, green or black)
  • Pain and swelling on the affected area
Here are the top home remedies for bruises

Home Remedies for Bruises
1. Ice Pack
Apply ice pack on the bruised area. This will numb the whole area and you won’t feel pain for several minutes.
2. Comfrey Leaves
Take fresh comfrey leaves and make a fine paste. Apply it on the bruise and leave it till it dries. Then, apply the second layer on it. Let it dry and after that, wash it off with lukewarm water.
3. Parsley
Take fresh parsley and crush it. Apply it on the bruised area. This will make the bruise go away faster.
4. Witch Hazel
Take a warm bath using witch hazel. Witch hazel improves the blood circulation and this will heal the bruises.
5. Cabbage
Cabbage can help in healing the bruise, as well as reducing the swelling. Apply macerated leaves of cabbage to accelerate the healing process.
6. Bilberry Extracts
Bilberry extracts can make the mark vanish, and increase the level of vitamin C.
7. Cayenne Pepper & Vaseline
Take 1 part of cayenne pepper and 5 parts of melted Vaseline. Mix it well and apply it on the bruise (Vaseline mixture should be cold).
8. Lavender Oil
Take cold water and put several drops of lavender oil in it. Soak a cloth in this water and apply it on the bruise. Lavender oil will reduce the swelling and cold water will provide relief in pain.
9. Tea Bags
Take sage tea bags or chamomile tea bags. Soak them in warm water and then, place on the bruise. This will soothe the pain.
10. Aloe Vera
Take aloe vera leaf and apply its gel on the bruised skin. This will provide relief in pain and swelling.
11. Egg Rolling
Boil an egg and peel off the skin of this boiled egg. Place it on the bruised area and gently roll the warm egg on bruise. This will help in reducing the swelling.
12. Warm Water
Soak a cotton ball or a cloth in lukewarm water and place it on the bruise. Slowly and gently massage on and around the bruise. This will reduce the pain and swelling.
13. Pineapple
Eating pineapple will cure the bruise really fast. You can also consume the fresh juice of pineapple. This will surely help you out.
14. Lard
Take 1 tablespoon of lard and ½ tablespoon of salt and mix them. Apply it on the bruise. This will prevent the bruise from getting darker.
15. Garlic
Eat fresh and raw garlic. Consume at least 2 cloves of it. This will heal up the bruise really fast, as it contains antibiotic properties.
17. Vanilla
Take out vanilla extract and apply it on the swollen bruise. This will provide relief.
18. Onion
Cut a raw onion into half and apply the inner part of the onion on the bruise.
Note- Avoid this home remedy, if your bruise is wounded.
19. Mullein Flowers
Take some mullein flowers and steep them in olive oil. Let this oil to reach the room temperature and then, apply it on the bruise. This will help to let the bruise fade away, and decrease swelling.
20. Citrus Fruits

Vitamin C in citrus fruits aids in rejuvenation of the elasticity of the skin and fortification of veins, arteries and capillaries. Therefore, eat oranges and apples to quickly cure the problem.