
Home Remedies For Cystic Acne

Sometimes bacteria get trapped inside the pore, too, causing the area to become red and swollen. Cystic acne happens when this infection goes deep into your skin, creating a red, tender bump that's full of pus. It may hurt or itch. If a cyst bursts, the infection can spread, causing more breakouts. Painful breakouts deep in your skin, it could mean you’ve developed something called cystic acne.
You’re most likely to develop cystic acne in your teens or early 20s. But it can strike someone as young as 8 or as old as 50. Your face, chest, back, upper arms, or shoulders can be affected.
Severe cystic acne is more common in men, but women get it, too. Women often have cysts on the lower half of the face.

No one is sure of the exact cause, but hormones called androgens play a part. When you’re a teenager, androgens increase. This leads to changes in your skin that can result in clogged pores and acne. In women, hormone changes can be brought on by menstrual cycles, pregnancy, menopause, or a condition called polycystic ovary syndrome.
If one of your parents had severe cystic acne, you have a greater chance of getting it.

Remedies for Cystic Acne
1. Detoxification
Our body is a heaven for toxins and so we need to remove them to keep our skin looking fresh and healthy. Toxins cause hormonal imbalance in our bodies which results into cystic acne. To remove toxins, you need to get your body ready by changing your diet. Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Drink plenty of water to wash out the toxins and take supplements such as omega-3 which is good for keeping your hormones under control.
2. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a natural antibiotic which helps keep the pH level of your skin balanced. Mix 1 tablespoon of vinegar with 2 tablespoons of water and place it in the refrigerator. Apply this mix to the face after every wash.
3. Honey Mask
Honey helps in killing and reducing the skin bacteria that cause acne. Apply raw honey on clean face with your fingers and massage for a few minutes. Leave the mask on for 15 minutes and then rinse it off.
4. Lemon Juice
Lemon juice is a natural antioxidant that helps in keeping the skin clean and free from bacteria. Its acidic nature helps in exfoliation of dead skin cells and unclogs the pores. Apply lemon juice on clean face using a cotton ball, leave it on overnight and wash it off in the morning. You can incorporate lemon juice into your daily cleansing routine, however, if it makes your skin dry, you should use it only once or twice in a week.
5. Blue Tansy Oil
This oil is very effective on cystic acne. Mix one drop of blue tansy oil to any essential oil and apply on the affected area only. Keep it for a few minutes and then rinse off with cold water.
6. Turmeric
Turmeric is commonly found in every kitchen in India, it’s impossible to make an Indian meal without this spice. It is known for its anti-bacterial properties around the world. Add ½ a teaspoon of turmeric to a glass of warm water and drink it on an empty stomach every day to fade away cystic acne.
7. Egg Whites
Egg whites are known as healing agents. Using your fingers, gently apply the egg white on your face and leave it on for a few minutes. Rinse it off and wash your face with a face wash.
8. Steam
Take a steam bath two times a week or on every alternate day. It will help clear the pores and keep your face free from oil.
9. Toothpaste
The fluoride in toothpaste will help dry the pores and kill the bacteria that cause acne. It is best to use gel toothpaste such as close-up. Apply the paste to the affected area and leave it on for 15 minutes. Rinse off with cold water and pat dry.
10. Aspirin Mask
Crush a few aspirin to make powder, add water to make a thin paste and apply on the affected areas. After 15 minutes, wash your face with warm water and pat dry. While using aspirin, you must keep in mind that aspirin in any form is dangerous, as the body absorbs it very easily. Therefore, use this method as a last resort for prevention of acne.
11. Salty Compress
Salt provides relief from pain caused by inflammation. Mix 1 cup water and ½ teaspoon salt. Soak a small piece of cloth in the liquid and apply on the affected area. Leave the compress on for 15 minutes and then rinse it off with cold water.
12. Corn Starch
Make a thick paste by combining corn starch with water. Once you get the perfect uniformity, apply the mixture on your face using your fingers. Let it stay for half an hour and then rinse it off with cold water. Apply this mask at least 3 times a day, for a week and you will notice the difference on your skin.
13. Mango
Mangoes helps open up the pores and by doing so, they make your skin glowing and feel soft. To make a mango mask, take a ripe mango and extract its juices. Add a little water and apply the mask on your face. After 15 to 20 minutes, rinse it off with warm water and feel the difference. Repeat daily, if possible or on alternate days.
14. Potato Mask
Potatoes are rich in vitamins that reduce inflammation and redness. They also pull out all the excess oil from the pores. To make a potato mask, peel a few potatoes and blend them in a blender. Strain the juice and apply it on the face using a cotton ball. Leave it on for 20 minutes or so, and then rinse off with water. It has no side-effects and can, therefore, be used on a daily basis.
15. Tomatoes
Tomatoes are rich in Vitamins K, A and C and are also known to possess antioxidants. Slice a tomato and place the slices on the affected area. You can also make a paste by grinding a few tomatoes, and then apply the paste on your face.
16. Cinnamon
Mix 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder with 1 teaspoon of honey and apply the paste on your face, at night before you hit the hay. Wash it off in the morning.
17. Orange and Tangerine Peel
Oranges and tangerines are rich in Vitamin C. Dry the peels of the fruits for a few days, until all the moisture has evaporated, and then grind them into a powder. Mix 1 tablespoon of the powder with honey or water in equal quantity and apply on the face. Leave it for 15 minutes, and then wash your face with warm water.
18. Olive Oil
Olive oil mixed with lemon juice can remove acne from the root. Add 1/8 teaspoon of lemon juice to ¼ teaspoon of olive oil. Add a pinch of salt and apply on the face. Let it stay for a few minutes and then rinse it off with warm water.
19. Banana Peel
Banana peel is a good antioxidant that helps boost cell growth. After having a banana (which is good for you, especially if you suffer from constipation), rub the peel on your face in a circular motion. Leave it on, for half an hour and then wash your face.
20. Cold Water
Avoid using hot water to wash your face. Warm water is okay but chilled water is the best for acne prone skin.
21. Chilli Pepper
Dry some chili pepper in sun and grind them to make a powder. Mix 1 teaspoon of chilli powder with 1 teaspoon of water and apply the mixture on your face.
22. Papaya
Many beauty products use papaya extracts, as it is a natural cure for acne prone skin. It helps remove all the dead skin cells and prevents formation of pus. To make a papaya mask, take half a papaya and cut it into cubes. Mash it and apply the pulp directly on your face. After 15 to 20 minutes, rinse off.
23. Sugar Scrub
Sugar acts as an exfoliator and helps open up the pores. Make a scrub at home by mixing 1½ cups each of white and brown sugar, add ½ cup of olive oil, 3 tablespoons of sea salt and one vanilla bean or 10 tablespoons of vanilla extract. Apply the required amount of paste on your face. You can store the rest for later use. It is advisable to use one spoon of scrub every day.
24. Almond Powder
Almond powder is extremely good for removing black heads. Mix almond powder and rosewater to make a paste and apply onto the affected area. Let it sit for 15 minutes, and then wash your face.
25. Strawberries
Strawberries are good for scrubbing as they have a rough texture and a high concentration of salicylic acid. It helps open up the pores. In a bowl, mash 3 strawberries and add 2 drops of honey to this. Mix well and apply on the face. Wash your face after 20 minutes with cold water.

Don’t touch cysts or pick at these blemishes. You may push the infection deeper and make it spread.
Try to relax. Stress can cause your body to release more hormones, which can make acne worse.
Follow a healthy lifestyle. Get plenty of sleep and exercise. Some research suggests that a low-glycemic diet, which limits sugar, can help symptoms.