
Home Remedies For Weakness

Weakness is the feeling of body fatigue (tiredness). A person experiencing weakness may not be able to move that part of their body properly or they may experience tremors (uncontrollable movement or twitches) in the area of weakness.
Some people experience weakness in a certain area of their bodies, such as the arms or legs. Others may experience full body weakness, which is often the result of a bacterial or viral infection such as influenza or hepatitis. Weakness may be temporary, but in some cases it is chronic or continuous

Cause of Weakness
Common causes of weakness include:
  • influenza
  • insomnia
  • medication side effects (often seen with mild tranquilizers used to treat anxiety)
  • polymyositis (inflammatory muscle disease)
  • chemotherapy
  • hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E
  • blood loss
Other, more severe causes of weakness include:
  • cancer
  • stroke
  • heart attack
  • muscle or nerve injury
  • diseases affecting the nerves or muscles
  • medication or vitamin overdose
  • poison
Although weakness caused by cancer may appear slowly over an extended amount of time, weakness caused by a heart attack or stroke is often immediate.
In addition to experiencing weakness, other symptoms such as difficulty breathing, pain, and irregular heartbeat may be present.

Signs of Weakness
Isolated Weakness
If you experience weakness in one area of your body, you may find that you are unable to move that part of your body efficiently. You may also experience:
  • delayed or slow movement
  • uncontrollable shaking (tremors)
  • muscle twitching
  • muscle cramps
Full Body Weakness
Full body weakness causes you to feel run down, similar to the feeling you get when you have the flu. This is often called fatigue, but it is also possible to experience full body weakness without feeling tired.
Some people who experience full body weakness also experience fever, flulike symptoms, or pain in the affected area.
Dangerous Symptoms
You should contact your doctor if you experience any of the following symptoms:
  • dizziness
  • lightheadedness
  • confusion
  • difficulty speaking
  • changes in vision
  • severe pain
Remedies for Weakness
1. Bananas
Bananas contain natural sugars like glucose, sucrose and fructose that give you a quick energy boost up. Bananas have high amount of potassium that converts sugar into energy. Whenever you feel weak, eat one or two bananas. You can also try banana shake or smoothie.
2. Milk
Milk is a rich source of vitamin B that reduces weakness. It is also a good source of calcium that keeps your bones strong. Whenever you feel lethargic, drink a cup of warm milk with one teaspoon of honey in it. Alternatively, you can also add 1 teaspoon of licorice powder in warm milk. Drink it two times in a day.
Note – Consult your doctor before taking licorice, on a regular basis, as it may increase blood pressure in some people.
3. Strawberries
Intake in form of juice, or eat plain or combine with other fruits, strawberries provide you with huge energetic. It enhances immunity and repair tissues of the body.
4. Almonds
Almonds are packed with vitamin E and magnesium that makes you feel energetic. These dried fruits convert fat, protein, and carbohydrate into energy. Every day soak 2 almonds in water overnight. In the morning, remove the skin of almonds, and eat them. You can also eat roasted almonds, whenever you feel fatigued.
  • A handful of nuts like walnuts, raisins, etc., are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids and release energy quickly. Natural sugar in these nuts keeps you going for the whole day.
  • Eat 4-5 dates every day, in order to reload the lost energy.
5. Indian Gooseberry
Indian gooseberry is a nutritious fruit that improves the energy level. It is a very good source of vitamin C, protein, irons, calcium, carbohydrates, and phosphorous. It strengthens your immune system. It is recommended to eat one Indian gooseberry daily. You can also grind them in a juicer and take them with honey.
6. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil has been used in making food and medicines for centuries, around the globe. It is easy to digest, boosts up metabolism, and increases energy as well. Coconut oil stimulates the thyroid gland and balances hormones. You can use coconut oil for daily preparation of your food.
7. Acupressure
It is a touch therapy that uses pressure on some specific body points for reviving the body. Putting pressure on the points between the eye brows, shoulder muscle 1-2 inches from the side of the lower neck, below the kneecap, on the outer part of the chest, three finger widths below the belly button, etc., can relieve general weakness.
8. Oats
Oats are the great components to boost up the energy. It is loaded with carbohydrates and fiber that help prevent hunger cramps. Magnesium and phosphorus in oats have the ability to put off fatigue and tiredness.
9. Garlic
Garlic has astringent and anti-inflammatory properties that repair weak immune system.  One can consume raw garlic clove on daily basis.
10. Warm up and Exercise
Regular exercise and simple physical activities strengthen your stamina and increase your muscle strength. Morning time is the best for exercise. Daily warm up and stretching for 15 minutes will keep you fresh and energetic. Yoga and meditation are also a great way to keep your energy levels high.
11. Water
Dehydration can lead to tiredness, so drink plenty of water, juice, milk, or other liquid beverages, in order to stay hydrated. Vitamin A, C, and B1 in fruit juices energize you.
  • Prepare a drink of glucose powder and a pinch of salt in water. Add lemon juice for taste. Drink this as often as required.
  • A blend of tomato and apple juice can prevent weakness.
  • Carrot juice is also a good energy booster.
12. Yogurt
Protein present in yogurt releases energy, and natural sugar boosts your energy levels. It makes you feel fuller for long time, and also gives you a boost of instant energy.
Note – If you are suffering from cold or some throat infection, you should avoid intake of yogurt.
13. Mangoes
Since this juicy fruit is a good source of antioxidants, minerals, vitamins and dietary fiber, it assures optimal health. The iron contents enable one to overcome anemia. Starch in mangoes provides instant energy when it gets transformed into sugar.
  • Sprinkle rose water, cardamom, a pinch of saffron and honey on mango slices and have them.
14. Coffee
Consumption of coffee in moderate amount keeps you active and energetic all through the day. It accelerates endurance and improves the rate of metabolism.
Note – Intake of more than 2 cups of coffee, in a day, increases the risk of insomnia and anxiety.
15. Eggs
Eggs are enriched in riboflavin, folic acid, vitamin A, iron and protein. Having eggs in breakfast is a perfect start of a healthy day. You can include egg sandwich, green vegetables, and omelette with cheese or boiled egg in your regular diet.
16. Sprouts
Consumption of sprouts provides the needed amount of protein and energy to your body.

Weakness can be treated in many different ways. Determining the underlying cause provides the best method of treatment. When you visit your doctor, he or she will go over your symptoms and the time you began experiencing them. This will give your doctor an idea as to what is causing you to feel weak.
Your doctor may request that you give a urine sample and he or she may also take a blood sample from you. These samples are tested for infections and signs of possible medical conditions that may cause weakness. If you’re experiencing pain, your doctor may also order an imaging test to have a look at the area affected. Imaging tests include X-rays, MRIs, CT scans, and ultrasounds.