
Home Remedies For Dry Cough

A dry cough is a type of cough which does not produce any mucus or phlegm. It is closely related to tickly coughs and often, these terms are used interchangeably. Both dry coughs and tickly coughs are known as non-productive coughs, as distinct from chesty coughs where mucus is produced.
A dry cough is most often the result of infection by cold and flu viruses. It can also be triggered by atmospheric pollutants (such as cigarette smoke) irritating your throat. In most of these situations, dry coughs occur because the back of your throat (or pharynx) becomes irritated or inflamed, but may also arise from deeper in the chest

Causes of dry coughs
The most common causes of a dry cough are the viral infections we know as the common cold and flu. These coughs may occur at the start of the illness or most often, towards the middle or the end of the infection.
Other causes of a dry cough include:
  • Side-effect of medication – some medicines, particularly those for high blood pressure, can result in a dry cough
  • Hay fever - this is an allergy to grass and tree pollen. It sets off inflammation in the eyes and nose. Sometimes, this inflammation can also affect the deeper tissues in the chest, leading to a dry cough.
  • Psychological conditions – this is when coughing has become a habit. It is also sometimes referred to as a psychogenic cough. There is no physical illness behind the cough and often the person does not even realise he or she is coughing. A feature of this type of cough is that it goes away when one is asleep
  • Nerves and stress – many people cough when they are in a stressful situation. Breathing becomes shallow when you are anxious and this can trigger the cough reflex. Some people tend to be more anxious than others, and for them the ‘natural’ nervous cough can become a problem if they find themselves in uncomfortable situations. 
A dry cough that lingers for more than three weeks may be the result of an underlying medical condition such as:
  • Asthma – this is a recurring disease which causes your airways to become inflamed and partially blocked
  • Heart disease – this is one of the most common causes of ill-health in the Western world. Heart problems can lead to heart failure and a build up of fluid in the lungs and a persistent cough, especially at night
  • Lung problems and cancer – a persistent cough can also be a specific sign of lung problems, including lung cancer
  • Whooping cough – this is a bacterial disease caused by Bordetella pertussis characterised by bouts of coughing followed by gasping of air in a distinctive ‘whoop’ sound. It is not as common as it used to be
  • TB – Tuberculosis is a highly infectious bacterial disease which primarily affects the lungs. In the early stages, it gives rise to a persistent dry cough. TB was once thought to have become extinct throughout the World, but cases have increased recently because of a combination of drug resistance and lowered immune resistance.
Remedies for Dry Cough
1. Steam
Before you even begin to pile up on medication or other remedies, you must try breathing in steam for persistent dry cough. All you will need is a large pot of boiled water and a clean towel (optionally, you can get another heat-safe container to put the water in while you carry out the remedy). Place the towel over your head and bend over the pot, until your face is directly above it. Breathe in the steam for as long as you can until it becomes too hot.
2. Honey
One of Mother Nature’s gentlest and sweetest home remedies is honey. This delicious solution will soothe your aching throat and speed up the healing process, thanks to its strong antimicrobial, analgesic and antioxidant properties. There are many ways in which you can consume honey for treating persistent dry cough, but we recommend mixing it into a glass of hot milk for delightful results.
3. Hot Shower
Just like in the case of breathing in steam from a pot, taking a hot shower or bath will do wonders for getting rid of that never-ending cough. To boost the effects of this home remedy, turn on the hot water and close the bathroom door while it runs, in order to allow steam to form. Make sure that after you take the hot bath or shower you get on warm clothing and climb into bed under blankets to avoid any harmful exposure that will aggravate the cough.
4. Oregano
The last place you ever imagined seeing oregano as an ingredient is probably on a list of home remedies for persistent dry cough. We usually associate this yummy herb with hearty, home-cooked meals, but it also serves as a trusted solution for calming down coughs. Studies show that a particular type of oregano is good for getting rid of dry coughs, namely marjoram. All you have to do is boil a bit of oregano into one cup of water, strain it and enjoy it as a tea.
5. Peppermint
Aside from having a highly pleasing scent, peppermint is also a super duper cough buster. Healthline explains that the “menthol in peppermint soothes the throat and acts as a decongestant, helping to break down the mucus”. You can enjoy all of peppermint’s benefits for treating coughs by sipping on some hot tea or by inhaling steam with a couple of drops of peppermint oil in it. We guarantee that you will enjoy either one of these two methods.
6. Gargle
As far back as we can remember, salt water gargle has been one of the most tried and proven methods of battling off persistent dry cough. Even when we were children, our mothers would always trick us into gargling with salt water when a cough creeped up on us. Even though we always despised the taste (and, frankly, we still do so now), we are aware of how beneficial it can be to our health. You know the drill – add salt to a glass of warm water and gargle daily. The effects will always be surprisingly pleasant.
7. Carrots
While you might believe that carrots should not be on a list for treating persistent dry cough, think again; have you ever realized how many nutrients these delicious orange veggies have? Let’s just take a quick look: carrots come packed with Vitamin A (a whopping 334% of your daily recommended value in just 100 grams of carrots), dietary fiber, Vitamin C, potassium, Vitamin B-6, calcium, magnesium, sodium, protein and iron. Take four or five carrots and juice them, adding a teaspoon of honey if you want to sweeten the juice up a bit. It is recommended that you repeat the process three or four times daily so you can feel better.
8. Ginger
Ginger literally is a miracle worker for persistent dry cough. It can be consumed in several different ways, all of them equally effective in helping you get well. If you can take the powerful taste, sprinkle a bit of salt on a piece of ginger and gnaw on it for a couple of minutes. If you want an easier solution, you can brew a pot of fresh ginger tea. Slice up the ginger into tiny pieces and boil as you would do so normally. In the end, add a bit of honey to sweeten the tea up and drink when you feel that your cough is getting out of control.
9. Turmeric
You can make an excellent herbal tea out of turmeric to fight off that worrying cough. Take one teaspoon each of carom seeds and turmeric powder and boil them, adding honey at the end. Another tea you can make with turmeric contains black pepper; follow the same instructions given for the herbal tea. No matter what turmeric tea you choose to prepare, make sure that you drink it two or three times a day in order for the remedy to be effective.
10. Lemon
Another old yet reliable solution for combatting persistent dry cough is by using lemon, particularly in combination with honey. The high levels of Vitamin C included in these fruits (88% of your daily recommended value in 100 grams) will encourage rapid healing while rebuilding your immune system. All you have to do is squeeze a fresh lemon into a glass of warm water and add honey to taste, repeating the remedy every time your cough starts acting up again. This solution works so well because lemon relieves congestion, while honey soothes your aching throat.
11. Onion
Remember what we said earlier about home remedies for persistent dry cough from your childhood? This is definitely another one that has stood the test of time. Personally speaking, when I was young my chronic bronchitis led me to infinite fits of dry coughing, my mother would brew up some onion tea that she almost had to force me to drink down. I was equally surprised every time to see how amazing I felt afterwards. As a tip, try holding your nose before you can feel the smell of onion and add some honey to help wash it down.

Dry coughs caused by cold and flu viruses usually disappear quickly. However, seek medical advice if you:
  • Suspect or know  that your cough is caused by an underlying medical condition
  • Cough up blood
  • Feel short of breath or wheezy
  • Suffer from asthma and experience a dry cough, especially at night
  • Your cough does not improve within 7 days
  • Are suffering from an unexplained persistent cough (one lasting longer than 3 weeks)
  • Also feel tired or lethargic
  • Experience fever
  • Notice unexplained weight loss.