Dizziness is
used to describe a body condition when you get faint or even feel lightheaded
or wobbly. It is also accompanied by vertigo- a feeling that the whole world
around you is spinning, and you feel as if you are going to fall on the floor,
the very next moment.
blood supply to the brain due to an abrupt fall in blood pressure or blockage
in arteries.
Loss of
vision or vision related disorders
Ear related
of the nervous system due to heavy medications, such as anticonvulsants and
can also be caused if you are suffering from flu, low-blood sugar level, cold
or some allergy.
bleeding in your body
Head injury
False senses
of motion, like spinning, or things around you are revolving.
Feeling of
faintness (lightheadedness)
that causes disequilibrium (imbalance in body)
Changes in
Chest pain
Stiffness in
the neck
Shortness of
Weakness in
the limbs
Remedies for Dizziness
1. Water
Water is one
of the essential elements to get rid of dizziness. Dehydration is one of the
foremost symptoms of dizziness and thus, drinking plentiful of water will keep
the problem at bay.
2. Ginger
Ginger is
yet another efficacious remedy against dizziness. Studies have proven that
ginger is effective
Against the
problem much more than counter drugs. You can chew raw ginger or consume it in
the form of ginger tea, which will cure the problem. It works well by improving
the blood circulation throughout the body and thus, an effective cure for
3. Breathing
properly can also relieve you from the problem of dizziness. Count from one to
five as you inhale, and again count back from five to one as you exhale. In the
process, try to fill up your belly with air by imagining that there is a place
below your naval region, which you have to fill up. This is actually the
process of deep breathing, and it provides an adequate amount of oxygen to the
brain and thus, relaxes the nervous system and is good for dizziness.
4. Indian
Gooseberry and Coriander Seeds
Both the
ingredients together make for a terrific herbal remedy for dizziness. Indian gooseberries
are a rich source of vitamin A and C. De seed them and make a paste out of
them. Add 2 tsp of coriander seeds and a glass of water to them. Leave the mix
overnight. Strain it the next morning and consume it. It will cure the existing
dizziness and will prevent the causes and symptoms of dizziness in future.
5. Nutmeg
Powder and Cumin Seeds
This one is
supposed to be consumed if you suffer from dizziness, periodically. Mix
together both the ingredients- nutmeg and cumin seed powder. Mix well and
consume it thrice a day for beneficial treatment against dizziness.
6. Exercises
exercises can be really helpful in solving the complex problem of dizziness.
All you need to do is to stand straight and move your neck in both directions-
clockwise and anti-clockwise. Similarly, you can stand and concentrate at one
fixed point and simply blink your eyes. It will keep your nervous system alert
and steadier and won’t cause problems, like dizziness and fatigue.
7. Mustard
and Salt
This method
is also effective for keeping up a smooth blood circulation. Mix mustard, salt,
vinegar and pepper in equal proportions. Add a glass of water to it and consume
it to say bye to dizziness.
8. Massage
Massage has
its own calming and soothing properties to squelch various ailments, and it can
efficaciously treat the problem of dizziness as well. Massage boosts blood circulation
in your body, thus relaxing your nervous system, which can cure the problem of
dizziness. Go for a lavender oil massage for the added benefits.
9. Yogurt
Yogurt does
more good to your body than harm, and that is why, research has proven its goodness
in the treatment of dizziness. Whenever you feel dizziness or even initiating
symptoms of dizziness, have a bowl full of yogurt to get a relief from the
problem. You can also add fresh fruit slices to it.
10. Almonds
and Pumpkin Seeds
If you want
a long lasting cure against dizziness, this one is the best formula. Take 3
tbsp of wheat along with 12 almonds and a few pumpkin seeds. Mix together and
let them get soaked overnight. Next day, make a smooth paste out of the mix and
add some cloves to it. Now, boil the whole mixture with milk. For adding a
little sweetness, you can add some sugar to it.
When you are
suffering from dizziness and experience an imbalance in the equilibrium of your
body, lie down and concentrate on the immobile objects around you, which will
distract your mind from dizziness symptoms, like nausea, lightheadedness, etc.
Besides, it will also help to restore the equilibrium of your body back to its
normal level.
12. Lemon
One of the
best known and tried home remedy for dizziness is lemon water. It is the
simplest of all the remedies and improves glucose levels inside your body,
quite effectively and quickly. Just squeeze ½ a lemon in a glass of water and
mix 2 tsp sugar in it. Drink it.
13. Basil
Basil is an
ancient home remedy and has been curing many ailments of skin and body. Put a
few basil leaves (3-4) and boil them with milk for a while. Consume that milk
before going to bed and it will cure your problem of dizziness, permanently.
14. Garlic
Include more
and more garlic in your diet. Boil few crushed garlic cloves with a cup of
water. Let it steep for a few minutes. Then, strain the solution and drink it.
15. Celery
If low blood
pressure is the reason of dizziness, you can cure it by drinking fresh celery juice.
16. Apple
Cider Vinegar and Honey
Mix 2 tsp
each of honey and apple cider vinegar in a glass of cold or hot water. Drink it
three times a day. This remedy will regulate the blood pressure, thus
alleviating the signs of dizziness.
17. Iron
intake of spinach, dried beans, lentils, cooked soybeans and blackstrap
molasses. All these are rich in iron content and help in overcoming the problem
of anemia, reducing the risk of dizziness. You can also take iron capsules,
available at medical shops.
18. Ginko
This is a
good herbal remedy for treating dizziness. Ginko biloba cures some of the
problems of the inner ear by increasing blood circulation towards this area.
This herb is available in dried leaf form, liquid extract and as a tablet.
19. Feverfew
It is
another good remedy for dizziness. It is available in liquid extract, tablet
and capsule form. It helps in curing dizziness by improving circulation of the
Chamomile Tea
Sip on a cup
of chamomile tea in order to keep at bay the causes of dizziness, like mental