

Scars may be effected from various skin wounds including burns, cuts or acne inflammation. They are Professional cures for scar removal, but they are either expensive, not guaranteed to be powerful or demand lots of time to recovery. However, there are lots of home remedies for scars you could use that can frequently function just as well.

Coconut Oil
Coconut oil has medium-chain fatty acids that act as antioxidants, preventing and reversing free radical damage. This oil can effectively stimulate collagen production and soften the skin to speed up the healing process.
  1. Warm 1 teaspoon of extra-virgin coconut oil in the microwave.
  2. Apply this warm oil to the affected area, gently massaging using small circular motions until it gets absorbed.
  3. Repeat several times daily until you get the desired result.
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is known for its ability to regenerate skin tissue and can help reduce the size and appearance of scars. Its soothing and moisturizing property will increase the elasticity of scar tissue and help reduce inflammation.
  1. Cut an aloe Vera leaf in half and squeeze out the gel.
  2. Apply the gel on the scar and massage gently for several minutes.
  3. Allow it to dry on its own, then rinse it off with warm water.
  4. Do this several times a day for 1 or 2 months.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is another very popular remedy to get rid of scar tissue. It is an effective antioxidant and has a moisturizing property that helps revitalize and nourish the skin. Plus, it can stimulate the formation of collagen, which improves skin texture and strength.
  • Extract the liquid from a vitamin E capsule and apply it on the scar 2 or 3 times daily for several weeks. You can also use a vitamin E cream.
  • Plus, include foods rich in vitamin E in your diet like almonds, safflower oil, hazelnuts and peanut butter.
Lemon Juice
Lemon juice is a very effective way to deal with scar tissue. Lemon has alpha hydroxyl acids (AHA) that help remove dead skin cells and regenerate and repair damaged skin. Plus, it works as a natural bleach to help lighten scars as well as blemishes.
  1. Apply freshly extracted lemon juice on the affected area.
  2. Allow it to dry for 10 minutes, then rinse thoroughly and pat dry.
  3. Apply some moisturizer.
  4. Follow this remedy twice daily for several weeks until you are satisfied with the result.
Note: As lemon juice can make your skin sensitive to light, always wear sunscreen before going outside.
5. Apple Cider Vinegar
Another excellent remedy to get rid of scar tissue is apple cider vinegar. Its acidic nature will exfoliate the affected skin and remove dead skin, which in turn will reduce the appearance of scars.
  1. Dip a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and apply it on the affected area.
  2. Leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes, then wash it off with water.
  3. Apply some moisturizing lotion.
  4. Use this treatment a few times daily for a few weeks.
Note: If apple cider vinegar causes skin irritation, dilute it with water before using.
6. Lavender Oil
Lavender essential oil contains skin cell rejuvenating properties that can help treat scar tissue and keloid scars. It helps increase the skin cell turnover rate, in turn preventing scars from becoming permanent.
  • Apply a few drops of lavender essential oil on the scar. Massage gently in circular motions for 10 to 15 minutes so that the oil penetrates deep into the skin.
  • Another option is to mix equal amounts of lavender oil and olive oil, apply it on the affected area and massage gently for several minutes.

More Remedies for Scar remove
1. Lemon Juice: Take a fresh lemon and cut it into half. Rub the juicy part on the scar. Lemon works as a natural bleach and thus, reduces the blemishes and scars. Drink lemon juice (without mixing sugar in it) twice a day for 15 days.
2. Rosehip Seed Oil: Rosehip seed oil is used most commonly in cosmetics, especially in the scar removal creams. Take a few drops of rosehip seed oil on your fingers and gently massage it on the scars. Do this twice a day. It can be applied directly on the skin.
3. Ice Cubes: Ice cube is a very easy and simple home remedy for fading the scars. Take an ice cube and rub it gently on the scars.
4. Aloe Vera: Take an aloe Vera leaf and cut it into half. Squeeze out the gel and apply it on the scar.
5. Tea Tree Oil: Tea tree oil is a very effective natural remedy for removing scars. It works like a charm on scars. Make sure, you use the diluted tea tree oil.
6. Honey: Apply honey on the scar. It works great in removing scars.
7. Sandalwood Powder: Sandalwood powder is a very good home remedy for removing scars from face. Take sandalwood powder and mix it with rosewater or milk. Rub it on the scars, gently. Leave it on for an hour and wash it off with cold water.
8. Almonds: Take 2-3 almonds and soak them in water. Leave them overnight. In the morning, peel off the skin from the almonds and mash them. Add a few drops of rosewater and apply on the scars.
9. Potato: Take a raw potato. Extract its juice and apply it on the scars. This will let the scars fade away. You can also rub a slice of potato on the scars, directly.
10. Coconut Oil: Whenever you get a scar, apply coconut oil on it. This will reduce the scar, ultimately making it invisible.
11. Lavender Oil: Take a few drops of lavender oil and apply it on the scars.
12. Fenugreek: Fenugreek can be used in many ways in reducing the scars. You can take fenugreek leaves and make a fine paste and apply it on the scars. Take fenugreek seeds and boil them. Make a paste and store it in a cool place. Apply it on the scars.
13. Olive Oil: Olive oil is said to be really effective when it comes to scar removal. Take a few drops of olive oil and apply it on the scars on the daily basis. Olive oil will also moisturise the skin.
14. Cucumber: Place a slice of raw cucumber or apply its juice on the scar.
15. Tomato: Apply a slice of tomato on the scar or massage with tomato juice. Like lemon, tomato also works as natural bleach.
16. Yogurt Mix: If you have a burned scar, then, this home remedy will help you out. Take barley, yogurt and turmeric in equal proportions and make a paste. Apply it on the scar.
17. Vitamin E Cream: Apply vitamin E cream on the scars.
18. Cocoa Butter: Apply cocoa butter on the scars. It will not only help the scars to fade away, but also moisturize the skin, making it smooth and soft.
19. Baking Soda: Take 5 tablespoons of baking soda and 1 tablespoon of water. Mix it until you make a fine paste. Apply this paste on the scars and let it dry. Wash it off, later on. Repeat this natural remedy thrice a week.
20. Apple Cider Vinegar: Dab a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and apply it on the scars. This will fade the scars. Wash it off after 10 minutes. Else, take 1 part of apple cider vinegar and 2 parts of water. Wash your face with this solution after cleaning the face and before going to bed. Apply skin moisturizer afterwards. This will also help in fading the scars from face.
21. Salt Scrub: Use a salt scrub, which contains papaya. Papaya will provide a new shine to your skin while salt scrub will exfoliate and remove the dead skin, making the scars almost invisible.
22. Camomile Tea: Wash your scars with Camomile tea. It will help the scars to fade away.
23. Cod Liver Oil: Apply cod liver oil on the scars for making the scars invisible.
24. Aspirin: Take 2 aspirins and crush them. Add a few drops of water to prepare a paste. Apply it on the scar.
25. Azadirachta Indica (Neem): Take few Azadirachta indica leaves (neem leaves) and make a paste. Apply it on the scars. It can also be used as a face pack. This will not only fade the scars, but also solve the skin problems, like acne, etc. It contains anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, which works great if applied on the skin.
26. Fuller’s Earth: Take 1 tablespoon of fuller’s earth and 1 tablespoon of rosewater, along with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Mix them all together to form a fine paste. Apply it on the scar and rub it gently. Then, apply 1 more layer on it and leave it for 15 minutes to dry. Wash it off afterwards.
27. Garlic Oil: Take a few drops of garlic oil on your fingers and apply on the scars. Let the oil stay for 15 minutes. Garlic contains antibiotic properties and is a natural remedy for scars.
28. Gotu Kola: Take leaves of Gotu kola and make a paste. Apply it on the scars. It will not only reduce the scars, but also speed up the healing process. Also, it will improve the blood circulation.
29. Salicylic Acid: Salicylic acid is available in various forms, like creams and lotions. It’s a good remedy for severe scars.