

Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) is a common problem, especially of the palms, armpits and soles. It can be distressing and can have a serious impact on your life. In some cases, affected people avoid social contact with others because of embarrassment about the problem. However, the condition is usually treatable
Normal sweating helps to keep the body temperature steady in hot weather, during a high temperature (fever), or when exercising. Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) means that you sweat much more than normal. Even when you are not hot, anxious, or exercising, you make a lot of sweat.
A number of signs and symptoms, which can make out that the person is suffering from hyperhidrosis, are:
  • Wet and moist palms and soles
  • Visible sweating that even drenches the clothes
  • Discoloration of the affected area
  • Maceration of the skin
  • Foot odor
  • Cracking and scaling of the skin
Remedies for Excessive Sweating
1. Natural Vinegar
Intake of two teaspoons of natural vinegar and one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar thrice in a day is an excellent remedy to cure the excessive sweating. Take this mixture on an empty stomach- half an hour after or before the meal.
2. Tomato Juice
Every day drink a glass of fresh tomato juice made at home to get rid of the problem of excessive sweating.
3. Herbal Tea
Sage tea has proven to be a great remedy to cure the troubles of excessive sweating. Brew some sage herbs in warm water and let them cool. Drink this every day as sage is rich in magnesium and Vitamin B, which reduces the activities of sweat glands. This remedy is especially meant for stopping excessive sweating in the underarms.
Green tea is equally effective if you do not get sage herbs easily.
4. Potato
This is the easiest remedy to get rid of too much sweating. Simply cut slices of potato and rub them under your arms and the areas, which sweat more.
5. Witch Hazel
This herb is a great astringent and antiperspirant, which gently dries up the sweating area. Tea made up of this natural herb can also be used.
6. Cornstarch and Baking Soda
To get rid of excessive underarm sweating, apply a mix of cornstarch and baking soda under the arms after thoroughly cleaning them. Let it stay for half an hour and wash it off later. You can also add any essential oil as a deodorant into the mixture.
7. Wheatgrass Juice
A glass of wheatgrass juice a day is an effective remedy for treating the problem of excessive sweating. Wheatgrass juice neutralizes the acids in the body and is a rich source of vitamin B6, protein, vitamin C, folic acid, and vitamin B12.
8. Tannic Acid
Tea is the prominent source of tannic acid. Steep some tea bags in the boiling water. When the water cools down, immerse your palms in it. This is a superb remedy if you face a lot of perspiration in your palms.
9. Coconut Oil
Infuse about 10gms of camphor in a bowl of coconut oil and apply it on the sweat prone areas to treat the trouble naturally.
10. Tea Tree Oil
Thin layers of tea tree oil can be applied to the high perspiring areas. Tea tree oil has natural astringents, which will give you the desired results within a few days of using it.
11. Grapes
Eating grapes every day can soothe out the problem of extreme sweating. It has natural antioxidants and it balances the temperature of the body.
12. Salt

Mix a tablespoon of salt with lime juice and massage your hands with this mix. It will decelerate the activities of sweat glands and will cure excessive sweating.