
Home Remedies For Depression 2


The normal ups and downs of life mean that everyone feels sad or has "the blues" from time to time. But if emptiness and despair have taken hold of your life and won't go away, you may have depression. Depression makes it tough to function and enjoy life like you once did. Just getting through the day can be overwhelming. But no matter how hopeless you feel, you can get better. Understanding the signs, symptoms, causes, and treatment of depression is the first step to overcoming the problem. If you struggling with depression you can learn about depression symptoms, warning signs, and causes, plus what you can do to feel better. HERE

Remedies for Depression
16. Laughter
Laughter aids in offsetting the symptoms of depression by improving the mood and impacting social relationships favorably. After all, “Laughter is the best medicine.”
17. Exercise
To improve your mood, relax your mind, uplift your self-esteem, and keep your mental health, it’s very important to indulge yourself in some sort of moderate physical activities. Muscle relaxation and breathing exercises are considered to be great for the depressed people. Jogging and walking are equally effective.
18. Yoga and Meditation
Meditation and yoga efficiently alters the brain’s biochemistry. You send a message to the brain via spinal cord when you stretch during yoga. It stimulates the sensation of ‘feel good’. Daily practice of pranayamas and asanas keeps you from melancholy.
19. Sunbathe
The level of natural antidepressant in the brain increases in the sunlight. A research has revealed that our brain produces more serotonin, a mood-lifting chemical, on sunny days than it does on darker or cloudy days.  So, sunbathe for a minimum of 30 minutes whenever you require warmth.
20. Bathe
Since sunbathing is not possible at night or on an extremely hot day, have a shower, if you feel dejected. Surprised? Researchers discovered that bathing or a neutral immersion bath relaxes mind and uplifts mood.
21. Soak Feet in Hot Water
If bathing is not possible due to any reason, you can try this remedy. Fill a tub with hot water and add some soap, chlorine and rosemary leaves to it. Dip your feet in this tub for 15-20 minutes. It will calm down your dejected mind.
22. Massage
Massage the soles of your feet with sunflower or coconut oil before going to bed. It will revitalize your nerves making you feel unperturbed.
23. Acupuncture
Acupuncture is considered to be a natural way to do away with depression as it elevates one’s mood and calms the mind. Studies revealed the fact that acupuncture changes the release of neurohormones and neurotransmitters, thereby altering the chemistry of the brain favorably.
 24. Guided Imagery
It is a method in which your mind and body communicates with each other via touch, taste, smell and vision. It involves imagination of things that bring positive thoughts to your mind like mountains, waterfall, sunrise and sunset on the beach etc. You endeavor to feel the breeze, smell the flowers and hear the sounds in nature. You can practice it during touch therapy and massage. The skills of visualization can’t be learnt overnight. One needs continuous practice, patience and time to master it.
25. Music Therapy
Music therapy is a non-medical way to overcome grief, anxiety, fear and stress. It tranquilizes your spirit naturally and is good for people of all ages. Put on your headphones and listen to classic old melodies or hit rocks depending on your taste and mood.
26. Light Therapy
In this therapy, depressed person is seated close to an intensely lit box. This box imitates light from outside. Initially, the patient is exposed to this box for 15 minutes, but depending upon the of severity of symptoms, the time limit may extend up to 2 hours each day. The intensity of the light is also determined according to the level of depression. This therapy only relieves the signs associated with melancholy; it does not completely cure depression.
27. Writing Therapy
Maintain a mood diary and pen down all the positive things that occur around you. Don’t write about any negative event. If you find it difficult to maintain it on a daily basis, write at least once-a-week. Whenever you feel dejected, come back to your dairy and read it. It will remind you of your good days and bring a smile on your face.
In general, pouring your heart out by the means of writing is considered to be healing, according to the researchers. So, we suggest you to write more often, it has no side effects.
28. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
This therapy focuses on your thoughts. Depression can easily be resisted by developing an optimistic outlook and altering the way of your thinking. Pessimistic thoughts elicit the feeling of solitude and triviality, but you can overcome this condition by staying focused solely on positive side of everything that happens to you. It is a short-term therapy that lasts for 10-20 sessions and effectively treats mild to moderate depression.

Herbal Remedies for Depression
Here are some of the herbal remedies which really work wonders in fending off the depression.
29. Lemon Herb
Put 25 grams of lemon herb in cold water. Leave it for 12-15 hours. Use this ointment twice or thrice a day.
30. Asparagus (Shatavari)
Grind the dried roots of asparagus into the powdered form. Ingest 1-2 grams of this powder at least once a day.
31. Nardostachys or Spikenard (Jatamansi)
The extracts of rhizome and roots of this herb are said to have tranquilizing effect on the brain. It is a mild sedative that reduces aggression.
32. Indian Ginseng (Ashwagandha)
This herb has antidepressant properties. Have 2 tablespoons of powdered Indian ginseng with a glass of water to overcome melancholy.
33. Nutmeg
Extract juice of fresh Indian gooseberries. Add 1/8 teaspoon nutmeg powder to it. Drink it three times a day.
34. Licorice
1-3 cups of licorice tea a day alleviate depression. You can also take licorice powder with milk.
Note- Breast-feeding and pregnant women should not consume licorice in any form. Besides, people with renal, heart and liver diseases, high blood pressure and those take aspirin, warfarin (Coumadin) must abstain from having licorice.
35. Sage and Basil Leaves
Prepare a tea by adding ½ teaspoon of sage and ¼ teaspoon of basil leaves to a cup of hot water. Drink it twice a day to reduce depression.
36. Lavender Leaves
Boil 1 cup of water, then steep 1 teaspoon of lavender leaves. Strain the liquid and consume the resultant solution when it’s hot, thrice a day.
37. Sandalwood Powder
Apply sandalwood powder on the forehead on the daily basis. It calms and soothes the mind of depressed person.
38. Commiphora mukul (Guggul)
This herb strengthens the nervous system, apart from reducing weight. It is available in the form of various supplements and herbal capsules in medical stores. Alternatively, dry some guggul resins and spread it on burning coal. Inhale the smoke for a few minutes. Its smoke is said to be good for rejuvenating the mind.

Just as the symptoms and causes of depression are different in different people, so are the ways to feel better. What works for one person might not work for another, and no one treatment is appropriate in all cases. If you recognize the signs of depression in yourself or a loved one, take some time to explore the many treatment options. In most cases, the best approach involves a combination of social support, lifestyle changes, emotional skills building, and professional help.