
Home Remedies For Hickeys

A hickey is caused by excessive sucking or kissing. It is actually a bruise that is made on the skin by sucking it. A very common part of foreplay and lovemaking, hickies are quite common especially hickies on the neck. A hickey is nothing but a hematoma wherein there is a blood clot as a result of breakage of blood vessels. The capillaries beneath the surface of the skin burst and then bleed in the areas around the skin. The blood then clots. This then turns red. If the hickey is not just a mild one, then it can even turn purple. 

Symptoms of Hickey:
Symptoms of any disease or medical condition makes it easy for people to understand them in a better way. Likewise, hickeys or love bites have some symptoms which can make you recognize if the bruise is due to hickey or any other thing.
  • The shape and size is relatively different than any other reason of bruising. It is mostly the size of the area sucked.
  • At times, when teeth are hooked on the skin sucked, they leave their mark and makes it visible and less difficult for others to understand the cause of it. This also helps as to the nature of bruising.
  • On the funny side, hickeys are usually found and seen in odd places where others might not get bruises. They are in the armpit, shoulder, buttocks and neck. However, other reasons of bruises can be seen on cheeks and less abnormal places.
  • Another symptom which determines it of a hickey or a love bite is the timings and discoloration. When a bruise or hickey is fresh it is usually blackish purple. It means that the bite is freshly made. If the color is reddish and not blackish it makes an effect of a day old. However, if it is pale and dim in color the love bite or hickey was made more than 3 days ago.
  • Medically speaking, severe sucking or biting onto the skin may make a person paralyze and can lead to very serious condition.
  • Swelling, soreness, bumpy elevated skin can be taken as a symptom of love bite – hickey.
  • Blood congeals and can lead its way to hematoma.
 Remedies for Hickeys
1. Cold Compressing
Cold compressing is one of the effective and simple treatments against hickeys. Take a spoon and refrigerate it in the freezer for about 30 minutes. Take out and press it over the affected area. Pressing with cold spoon will regulate the blood flow in the affected area, thereby immediately removing swelling and clotting.
To get rid of hickey on lips, you can put ice cubes.

2. Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera works wonder on almost all skin ailments, and hickey isn’t an exception. Squeeze out some aloe Vera pulp and apply it over the affected area and let it sit for at least 10 minutes. Aloe Vera gel will reduce the sensitivity of the affected area and will also provide you a soothing sensation, helping you in fast removal of hickey.

3. Warm Compressing
Besides cold pressing, warm compressing is also an efficacious treatment against hickey. This method is useful if your hickey has already lasted for 3-4 days. This is used to lower the level of swelling and pain. Take a clean towel and dip it in hot water till it completely soaks hot water. Now, gently press it over the affected area, giving enough heat of the towel to hickey. Repeat the process 4-5 times for a relieving effect.

4. Finger Massage
Don’t use this method if your hickey is fresh as it can be painful enough. When your hickey gets a few days older, massage gently with your finger as this will increase the blood circulation in the area, and will keep the pain and swelling at bay. You can use almond oil, olive oil or cocoa butter for massaging.

5. Toothbrush Comb
You can also get rid of hickey by using a toothbrush with soft bristles. Take a toothbrush with soft bristles and rub it gently over the affected area. It is an effective treatment for hickey.

6. Peppermint
Peppermint is another effective way to treat the problem of hickey. Peppermint, being cold in nature, gives you a chilling sensation. Apply a layer of peppermint oil or toothpaste (as most toothpaste contains peppermint/mint as a major ingredient) over the affected area. This will smoothen up the flow of blood in that area and will remove the mark quickly and effectively.

7. Eye Drops
Pour eye drops on hickey. After 1-2 minutes, rinse with cold water. This remedy will reduce the redness of the skin, associated with hickey.

8. Over-the-counter Medications
When none of the above home remedies works in your favor, try hitting for over-the- counter medications. There are quite a few drugs and crèmes that are effective against hickeys, like:
  • Aspirin: They are effective against hickey and its pain.
  • Excedrin: This one is formulated to thin the blood and smoothen it around the area, affected by hickey.
  • Vitamin K: This one is used to prevent clotting in hickey area and keep the flow smooth. You can also apply vitamin C and zinc creams for effective results.
9. Tea Bags
Put a tea bag in the boiling water for 2-3 minutes. Then, put it on the hickey until it cools off. It is a good hickey removal remedy.

To be careful and monitor if the hickey is not just a bruise but more than that. If the bruise bleeds or the color changes into deep purple, it is an indication of danger. It is a must thing to seek doctor’s help in this regard. Another thing is the bursting of any vein, embossed teeth marks on skin and hickeys followed with temperature. When you have temperature and your sweet love bite bleeds, it is an extremely risky situation.