
Home Remedies For Poison Ivy

Poison ivy, all plants that can cause a temporary, irritating rash when they come in contact with your skin. This rash is a form of allergic contact dermatitis. Dermatitis simply means an irritation of the skin. It's called "allergic contact dermatitis" because the rash is caused by contact with a substance to which you're allergic.
Many people break out in a rash when urushiol touches the skin. And even if you don't recall touching the leaves of poison ivy, oak, or sumac, you may have unwittingly come in contact with their roots or stems.
Urushiol quickly penetrates the skin, often leaving red lines that show where you brushed against the plant. Symptoms appear 24 to 72 hours after exposure. Scratching the itchy rash doesn't cause it to spread but can prolong skin healing and cause a secondary infection. The rash isn't contagious, so you won't spread it to others by going to school or work.

Three types of transmission can occur:
  • Direct contact with the plant
  • Indirect contact when you touch pets, gardening tools, sports equipment, or other objects that had direct contact with the plant
  • Airborne contact from burning these plants, which releases particles of urushiol into the air that can penetrate the skin, eyes, nose, throat, or respiratory system
Does it matter which plant you're exposed to? Poison ivy, oak, and sumac all fall into the plant species called Toxicodendron, so the allergic reaction to all of these plants has the same name: Toxicodendron dermatitis. There are actually four poisonous plants in this group, since poison oak has both a western and an eastern variation. All four plants contain urushiol, so the skin reaction and treatment are essentially the same.

Remedies for Poison Ivy
1. Wash the Area with Cold Water
Keep the area affected with poison ivy rashes under cold water for about 10-15 minutes. This will give an instant relief from the itchiness till you apply any remedy while it will also clean the area.
2. Apple Cider Vinegar
Dab a cotton ball into some apple cider vinegar and apply it on the rashes. Now, rinse it off with a mixture of vinegar and water. Apple cider vinegar is a proven remedy for healing poison ivy rashes.
3. Rubbing Alcohol
To treat severe poison ivy rash, rub some rubbing alcohol and then, sprinkle some medicated body powder on the area. Now, wrap it with a clean cloth or gauze. It will give relief from itchiness.
4. Witch Hazel
Witch hazel is another home remedy to treat poison ivy. Soak a cotton ball in witch hazel and apply it on the rashes.
5. Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is one of the best ways to get rid of poison ivy as it is really soothing to treat skin allergies. Apply fresh aloe Vera gel on the blisters. Aloe Vera is a natural healer due to its excellent anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, and therefore, good for treating poison ivy on face.
6. Vinegar Compress
Take ½ cup of white vinegar and mix it with 1½ cups of water. Cool down this solution in the refrigerator for some time.  Now, dampen a piece of cloth in this solution and place it over the area, affected with poison ivy rashes. It is one of the best ways to heal poison ivy.
7. Apply banana peel
Banana peel is also a good cure for poison ivy. In order to get relief from the itchiness caused due to the rash, rub the inside part of the banana peel on it.
8. Calamine Lotion
Apply calamine lotion on the rashes. It is a good remedy to get relief from the itchiness and to dry up poison ivy.
9. Tea Bag
It is one of the good poison ivy cures that work. Soak a tea bag in plain water and place it on the rash. Tea contains tannic acid, which is a good astringent and quickly relieves from itching and inflammation, caused due to the poison ivy.
10. Apply Coffee
Brew a cup of coffee and let it cool for some time. Dab some on the skin, affected with the rash. Coffee gives relief from inflammation as it contains anti-inflammatory agents, like chlorogenic acid. It is a good way to get rid of poison ivy on your skin.
11. Plantain Leaves
Pick some plantain (lawn weed) leaves and place it as a bandage on the rashes. It contains an anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial compound, called allantoin, which is good for poison ivy rashes.
12. Baking Soda
Make a paste of baking soda and water in the ratio 3:1. Apply this paste on the rashes and let it dry. Apply this paste at least twice or thrice a day. Baking soda is one of the best treatments for poison ivy.
13. Epsom Salt Bath
Put some Epsom salt in a bath tub, containing water. Soak yourself for some time in this water. Epsom salt is a good poison ivy blisters treatment as it quickly dries out the rashes.
14. Cold Milk
Apply some cold milk to get relief from the itchiness of poison ivy rashes. This remedy also helps in drawing out the fluid from the poison ivy blisters. If you are allergic to milk, you can also apply buttermilk or yoghurt
15. Cucumber
Grate a cucumber and apply it on the skin, impinged with the rashes. Cucumber is good for skin and will naturally soothe the blister.
16. Oatmeal Bath
Grind some oatmeal and put it in a bucket, filled with lukewarm water. Have bath with this water. Oatmeal is one of the best natural remedies as it dries up poison ivy, as well as gives relief from poison ivy itch.
17. Potato
Potato is an anti-inflammatory, and therefore, it is one of the most effective home remedies to heal poison ivy. Blend a potato to form its paste. Then, apply it over the area, affected with poison ivy rashes.
18. Vodka
You can also apply vodka in order to neutralize the effect of poison ivy blisters.
19. Acorn
Crack some acorns and boil them. After some time, strain this solution and dab it with a piece of cloth on the itchy rashes. Acorns give relief from the prickliness, resulted due to poison ivy.
20. Lemon Juice
Lemon juice is useful for removing the toxins, present in any type of skin infection. Soak a cotton ball in lemon juice and apply it on the rashes. Lemon is a natural astringent, and greatly helps in healing the poison ivy blisters.
21. Watermelon Rind
Apply cold watermelon rind on the area. Watermelon is really cooling and acts as a cold compress over the rashes while the juice helps to dry poison ivy rash.
22. Goldenseal
Form a paste of goldenseal in some apple cider vinegar or water. Apply this paste on the affected skin. Goldenseal is an effective home remedy to treat poison ivy or poison oak rashes.
23. Himalayan Crystal Salt
Mix some Himalayan crystal salt and water to form a paste. Apply it over the affected area in order to get relief from the itchiness. This remedy also dries out the blisters.
24. Pascalite Clay
Apply a paste of pascalite clay over the poison ivy rashes, and let it dry. Pascalite helps to draw the harmful toxins and fluids from the blisters while drying it out and eliminating the itchiness.
25. Bleach
Soak your body in a bath tub, containing ½ cup of bleach mixed with water. You can also mix a teaspoon of bleach in some water and apply it as a compress. Bleach works well on poison ivy, though it also has certain side effects.
Get immediate medical help for any difficulty breathing or severe coughing after exposure to burning plants.