
Home Remedies For Canker Sore

Canker sores are small, shallow ulcers that appear in the mouth and often make eating and talking uncomfortable. There are two types of canker sores:
  1. Simple canker sores. These may appear three or four times a year and last up to a week. They typically occur in people between 10 and 20 years of age.
  2. Complex canker sores. These are less common and occur more often in people who have previously had them.

Causes Canker Sores?
The exact cause of most canker sores is unknown. Stress or tissue injury is thought to be the cause of simple canker sores. Certain foods -- including citrus or acidic fruits and vegetables (such as lemons, oranges, pineapples, apples, figs, tomatoes, and strawberries) -- can trigger a canker sore or make the problem worse. Sometimes a sharp tooth surface or dental appliance, such as braces or ill-fitting dentures, might also trigger canker sores.
Some cases of complex canker sores are caused by an underlying health condition, such as an impaired immune system; nutritional problems, such as vitamin B-12, zinc, folic acid, or iron deficiency; or gastrointestinal tract disease, such as celiac disease or Crohn's disease.
Symptoms of Canker Sores?
You may have a canker sore if you have:
  • A painful sore or sores inside your mouth -- on the tongue, on the soft palate (the back portion of the roof of your mouth), or inside your cheeks
  • A tingling or burning sensation before the sores appear
  • Sores in your mouth that are round, white or gray, with a red edge or border
In severe canker sore attacks, you may also experience:
  • Fever
  • Physical sluggishness
  • Swollen lymph nodes
Remedies for Canker Sores
Are you exasperated of those monstrous canker sores in your mouth? Here are some of the amazing and easy-to-use home remedies. You can find most of the ingredients available at your home. Use them to get rid of canker sores.
1. Alum Powder
Alum powder, an ingredient commonly found in most of the kitchens can be used to treat canker sores naturally. Place a little quantity (about size of a pea) of alum powder directly on the canker sore. Let it sit for 60 seconds. It is generally bitter in taste. Do not swallow the powder. After 60 seconds, spit your saliva as well as the alum. Do not wash your mouth with water. Within 24 hours the pain will decrease.
2. Essential Oils
Put one drop of any of the 2 essential oils right onto the ulcer- oregano essential oil or melaleuca essential oil.
3. Salt Water Method
It may be a very painful procedure, but it is one of the best methods to cure canker sores. Add one teaspoon of table salt in a cup of warm water and mix it well. Use it to rinse your mouth multiple times. Thereafter, take a pinch of salt and put it directly on the canker sore. You may also use baking soda in place of salt to mix it with water.
4. Baking Soda and Aloe Vera
This remedy is not as painful as others, but then, comparatively, it takes longer time to heal the sores. Make use of aloe juice to clean your mouth. After rinsing it, apply baking soda directly on the canker sores.
5. Using 3% Hydrogen Peroxide Solution
Pour a small amount of hydrogen peroxide solution in a plastic soda cap and dilute it by adding similar quantity of water. Immerse a Q-tip into the peroxide solution and apply it on the canker sore. Repeat it two times a day to heal the canker sore will in 2-3 days. Do not swallow hydrogen peroxide.
6. Milk of Magnesia
Apply milk of magnesia on the canker sores multiple times in a day. The antacid present in it counteracts the acidic environment and alters the pH which, in turn, reduces the activities of sore-causing bacteria.
7. Antacid or Antihistamine Mix
Mix one part of diphenhydramine (sold as Benadryl) and one part of antacid such as Kaopectate or Maalox. Place and swish it around your mouth and spit it out.
8. Lemon
Squeeze a lemon with the help of a lemon squeezer. Apply it on the sore with a clean finger. Leave it for about 1-5 minutes. If needed, you may rinse it off. Repeat it a number of times. You can also squeeze 1-2 drops of lemon on the ulcer directly.
9. Ice Cubes
Put an ice cube on the canker sores and let it melt over the sores.
10. Coriander
Coriander is one of the finest ingredients for curing canker sore. It comprises antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and antifungal properties which effectually lessens the pain and uneasiness. Boil some coriander leaves in a glass full of water. Strain the solution and let the water cool down. Rinse your mouth with this water 3 to 4 times a day.
  • Alternatively, take 1 teaspoon of coriander seeds and boil them in 1 cup of water. Let the mixture sit for a short time and then strain. Gargle with it 3 or 4 times a day.
  • You may also drink the juice made from fresh coriander leaves multiple times a day. Instead of gulping the juice completely, keep it in your mouth for a couple of minutes, so that, the juice could heal the inflated area.
11. Honey
Honey is a soothing substance and has antibacterial and antiseptic properties. Put 1 teaspoon of honey around the canker sore. It may hurt for a couple of minutes, but gradually it will ease the pain as well as inflammation. Try this 2-3 times a day.
  • Or else, combine ¼ teaspoon of turmeric powder and 1 teaspoon of honey to make a fine paste. Apply this paste on the canker sore and leave it for some time. Gargle well with tepid water and repeat this process twice a day.
12. Cayenne Pepper
Another commonly used ingredient for curing canker sore is cayenne pepper which contains capsaicin that can momentarily numb the nerves, resulting in immediate relief from the pain and inflammation. Get small amount of cayenne pepper and mix it with a little water. Apply this paste directly onto the canker sore. Initially, you might sense some irritation, but in a little while, you will feel much relieved. Repeat it a couple of times daily, for some days until the sore totally disappear.
  • As an alternative, you may also eat a few candies that contain cayenne pepper as one of the chief ingredients. This will provide respite from the discomfort caused by the canker sore.
13. Onion Juice
Onions have sulfur which helps treat canker sores. Cut half an onion into small pieces. Crush a few pieces and apply on the affected skin for a few minutes. Ensure that the juice of the onion is absorbed by the canker sore. Perform this 3 or 4 times a day.
  • Or else, you may also make a paste of one medium-sized onion or extract the juice of an onion and apply it directly on the sore. Carry this out a couple of times every day.
  • Canker sores can also be healed and prevented by eating at least 1 raw onion daily.
14. Topical Creams
Topical pastes such as Lidex, Anbesol (Benzocaine), Aphthasol or Vanos may aid easing the ache caused by canker sores. For quick respite, apply the cream on the affected area as soon as it appears. Use it 2 to 4 times a day until the sore completely disappears.
15. Papaya
Eat papaya or drink its juice to clear the canker sore. Allow the juice or pieces of papaya to linger for some time in the mouth so that it could make direct contact with the sores. You may also use papaya tablets to get rid of sores. These tablets will work in the same way as the papaya juice or fruit does.
16. Moist Tea Bag
Used tea bag contains tannic acid which is a type of an astringent and it reduces uneasiness and speeds up the healing process. You can use either green tea bag or black tea bag. After making a cup of tea, put the wet tea bag inside the refrigerator for a couple of minutes. Press the ice-cold, wet tea bag softly over the canker sore for approximately 15 to 20 minutes. Repeat it 2-3 times a day for effective results.
17. Grapefruit
Mix a teaspoon of grapefruit seed in a glass of water. Rinse your mouth with it twice a day.
18. Plum Juice
Use plum juice as a mouthwash to alleviate the sores. Another way is to soak a cotton ball in plum juice and place it on the canker sores.
19. Clove Oil
Pour a few drops of clove oil directly on the sore. Let it sit on the sores for some time and then rinse.
Although there is no cure for canker sores, and they often recur, you may be able to reduce their frequency by:
  1. Avoiding foods that irritate your mouth, including citrus fruits, acidic vegetables, and spicy foods
  2. Avoiding irritation from gum chewing
  3. Brushing with a soft-bristled brush after meals and flossing daily, which will keep your mouth free of foods that might trigger a sore
You should call your dentist about canker sores if you have:

  • Unusually large sores
  • Sores that are spreading
  • Sores that last 3 weeks or longer
  • Intolerable pain despite avoiding trigger foods and taking over-the-counter pain medication
  • Difficulty drinking enough fluids
  • A high fever with the appearance of the canker sores