
Home Remedies For Acid Reflux

What Is Acid Reflux Disease?
At the entrance to your stomach is a valve, which is a ring of muscle called the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). Normally, the LES closes as soon as food passes through it. If the LES doesn't close all the way or if it opens too often, acid produced by your stomach can move up into your esophagus. This can cause symptoms such as a burning pain called heartburn. If acid reflux symptoms happen more than twice a week, you have acid reflux disease, also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Causes Acid Reflux Disease?
One common cause of acid reflux disease is a stomach abnormality called a hiatal hernia. This occurs when the upper part of the stomach and LES move above the diaphragm, a muscle that separates your stomach from your chest. Normally, the diaphragm helps keep acid in our stomach. But if you have a hiatal hernia, acid can move up into your esophagus and cause symptoms of acid reflux disease.
These are other common risk factors for acid reflux disease:
  • Eating large meals or lying down right after a meal
  • Being overweight or obese
  • Eating a heavy meal and lying on your back or bending over at the waist
  • Snacking close to bedtime
  • Eating certain foods, such as citrus, tomato, chocolate, mint, garlic, onions, or spicy or fatty foods
  • Drinking certain beverages, such as alcohol, carbonated drinks, coffee, or tea
  • Smoking
  • Being pregnant
  • Taking aspirin, ibuprofen, certain muscle relaxers, or blood pressure medications
Symptoms of Acid Reflux Disease?
Common symptoms of acid reflux are:
  • Heartburn: a burning pain or discomfort that may move from your stomach to your abdomen or chest, or even up into your throat
  • Regurgitation: a sour or bitter-tasting acid backing up into your throat or mouth
Other symptoms of acid reflux disease include:
  • Bloating
  • Bloody or black stools or bloody vomiting
  • Burping
  • Dysphagia -- a narrowing of your esophagus, which creates the sensation of food being stuck in your throat
  • Hiccups that don't let up
  • Nausea
  • Weight loss for no known reason
  • Wheezing, dry cough, hoarseness, or chronic sore throat
Remedies for Acid Reflux
Let’s see some of the natural home remedies of acid reflux that can be easily tried at home.
1. Chewing Gum
Chewing gum is a good remedy to take for acid reflux as it accelerates the flow of saliva, thereby washing out any extra acid that is accumulated in the gut. It relieves the symptoms of acid reflux.
2. Aloe Vera
Sip down some aloe vera juice to get instant relief from heartburn as aloe is very soothing for upset stomach. It reduces the inflammation caused in the oesophagus. It is recommended to drink half cup of aloe vera juice before taking the meal.
3. Licorice
You can also take tea made from licorice root, which is highly soothing and beneficial in treating acid reflux. A thin layer of mucus is formed in the lining of oesophagus, which protects it from the acids, coming up from the stomach.
4. Slippery Elm
This is one of the best herbal remedies to treat acid reflux. You can suck a slippery elm lozenge in order to get relief from chronic heartburn. It also gives relief from cough and throat ache, caused due to acid reflux.
5. Baking Soda
Add ½ teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water. Drink it. It helps a lot in neutralizing the effect of acidity, caused in the stomach. But, make sure not to use it for chronic heartburn as it is high in salt content.
6. Holy Basil Leaves (Tulsi)
Simply chewing fresh tulsi leaves gives a quick relief from acid reflux symptoms.
7. Carrot Juice
A cup of carrot juice works well to give an instant relief from acid reflux. You can also drink cabbage juice.
8. Ginger
Crush some ginger and take out its juice and mix some lemon juice in it. Drink this mixture. This is one of the best remedies to stop acid reflux fast. Else, mix crushed ginger with a small piece of jaggery. Suck it till the juice reaches your stomach. It will instantly lower the acid reflux, providing you relief.
9. Indian Gooseberry (Amla)
Eat raw amla. It is one of the best cures for acid reflux. You can add a pinch of salt to it for taste. It improves digestion and therefore, prevents acid reflux.
10. Honey
Take a spoonful of honey before you go to bed at night. Honey is really soothing and helps in neutralizing the acidity, caused in the stomach. It is good to prevent acid reflux at night.
11. Papaya
You can also eat papaya in order to get relief from acid reflux. Papaya contains enzymes, which is helpful in the digestion process.
12. Fenugreek
Soak some fenugreek seeds in water and drink it after some time. Fenugreek seeds are a good remedy to get immediate relief for acid reflux.
13. Agrimony or Stickwort
It is a very good herb to treat acid reflux. You can take it with milk to cure acid reflux symptoms.
14. Hyssop
It is an effective herbal remedy for the treatment of acid reflux as it naturally cures the stomach lining while reducing the symptoms of acid reflux.
15. German Chamomile
It is a very useful herb for treating acid reflux as it quickly gives relief from heartburn.
16. Fennel Seeds
Munch on few fennel seeds in order to get a quick relief from acid reflux.
17. Wood Betony
This herb washes out excess acid from the stomach while also improving digestion.
18. Eat Raw Almonds
Raw almonds are a good source of calcium and help a lot in curing the problem of acid reflux.
19. Apple Cider Vinegar
Mix 1-2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in some honey and drink this mixture in order to get relief from acid reflux.
20. Lemon Juice
Mix some lemon juice in a cup of lukewarm water and drink it on an empty stomach early in the morning to relieve the symptoms of acid reflux. It maintains a proper balance of acidic level in the stomach and therefore, prevents acid reflux.
21. Cardamon
Take two cardamoms and grind them. Now, add 250 ml water to them and boil for 13-15 minutes. Strain and drink the water. It will definitely help you to get rid of acid reflux.
22. Clove
In order to reduce the discomfort caused due to acid reflux, chew some cloves.
23. Milk
Drink chilled milk to get instant relief from acid reflux.
24. Black Pepper
Black pepper stimulates the digestion process. Therefore, add it to your food. Alternatively, grind some black pepper. Mix some rock salt as per your taste. Take ½ teaspoon with water in the morning and evening, after having meals. It is extremely beneficial in removing acid reflux.
25. Coriander and Cumin Seeds
Mix and grind an equal amount of sugar candy, coriander seeds and cumin seeds. Take 2 teaspoon with cool water after having meals, twice a day. It helps in complete removal of acid reflux.
26. Bananas
Bananas possess high pH values. It stimulates the inner lining of belly to secrete more mucous, thereby decreasing the acid reflux.
27. Mint Leaves
Take some mint leaves and chop them. Add them to the boiling water. Drink the water when it gets cooled. It is an effective home treatment for acid reflux.
Can Acid Reflux Disease Be Treated With Diet and Lifestyle Changes?
One of the most effective ways to treat acid reflux disease is to avoid the foods and beverages that trigger symptoms. Here are other steps you can take:
  • Eat smaller meals more frequently throughout the day.
  • Quit smoking.
  • Put blocks under the head of your bed to raise it at least 4 inches to 6 inches.
  • Don't eat at least 2 to 3 hours before lying down.
  • Try sleeping in a chair for daytime naps.
  • Don't wear tight clothes or tight belts.
  • If you're overweight or obese, take steps to lose weight with exercise and diet changes.
  • Also, ask your doctor whether any medication could be triggering your heartburn or other symptoms of acid reflux disease.