

There are several causes of tooth discoloration, including:
  • Foods/drinks. Coffee, tea, colas, wines, and certain fruits and vegetables (for example, apples and potatoes) can stain your teeth.
  • Tobacco use. Smoking or chewing tobacco can stain teeth.
  • Poor dental hygiene. Inadequate brushing and flossing to remove plaque and stain-producing substances like coffee and tobacco can cause tooth discoloration.
  • Disease. Several diseases that affect enamel (the hard surface of the teeth) and dentin (the underlying material under enamel) can lead to tooth discoloration. Treatments for certain conditions can also affect tooth color. For example, head and neck radiation and chemotherapy can cause teeth discoloration. In addition, certain infections in pregnant mothers can cause tooth discoloration in the infant by affecting enamel development.
  • Medications. The antibiotics tetracycline and doxycycline are known to discolor teeth when given to children whose teeth are still developing (before age 8). Mouth rinses and washes containing chlorhexidine and cetylpyridinium chloride can also stain teeth. Antihistamines (like Benadryl), antipsychotic drugs, and drugs for high blood pressure also cause teeth discoloration.
  • Dental materials. Some of the materials used in dentistry, such as amalgam restorations, especially silver sulfide-containing materials, can cast a gray-black color to teeth.
  • Advancing age. As you age, the outer layer of enamel on your teeth gets worn away, revealing the natural yellow color of dentin.
  • Genetics. Some people have naturally brighter or thicker enamel than others.
  • Environment. Excessive fluoride either from environmental sources (naturally high fluoride levels in water) or from excessive use (fluoride applications, rinses, toothpaste, and fluoride supplements taken by mouth) can cause teeth discoloration.
  • Trauma. For example, damage from a fall can disturb enamel formation in young children whose teeth are still developing. Trauma can also cause discoloration to adult teeth.
We always try to seek for some professional treatment for whitening our teeth. A lot of money and time is wasted in these medical surgeries and treatments. Instead of spending money in buying teeth whitening products, you can have a sparkling smile just by giving some time to use these natural, easy, and quick home remedies for whitening your teeth. These natural teeth whitening recipes are not only pocket-friendly, but also effective.

Remedies for Teeth Whitening
1. Baking Soda
Baking soda is considered to be the best ingredient used for treatment of discoloured teeth. Put two tablespoons of baking soda in a cup of cold water. Stir the solution well. Now use the solution as a whitening solution. Rinse your mouth two or three times a day with this home-made mouthwash. It will reduce the stains for sure.

Instead of preparing a mouthwash, you can also use it as toothpaste. Dilute some baking soda. Scrub your teeth with the diluted soda for a few minutes. Follow this process twice or thrice a week to get glittering teeth.
Note- Excessive use of baking soda can damage your enamel.

2. Lemon
Lemon is known for its immune-boosting power, antibacterial, and healing properties. Lemon is not only used for skin diseases, but also used for whitening teeth. Take out the juice of lemon and mix it with some water. Rinse your mouth with this water.
Else, scrub your teeth directly with lemon peel to make them white.
Another way is to add some salt in a few drops of lemon juice. Apply the mixture on stained teeth. Now, rub toothpaste over your teeth and gums. Leave it for a few minutes. After sometime, rinse your mouth with normal water. Practice it twice a day to prevent teeth from yellow stains.

3. Strawberries
Strawberries are rich in Vitamin C. It acts as a natural cleanser. Take 2-3 strawberries; crush them to form a paste. Rub the paste on your teeth, gently. For best results, practise it two times a day for a few weeks.

You can also add half teaspoon of baking soda in the strawberry paste. Spread it onto your teeth and leave it for a few minutes. After rinsing your mouth thoroughly, brush your teeth with toothpaste to remove the remains.

4. Holy Basil (Tulsi)
Holy basil is also a natural remedy for whitening teeth. It can not only whiten your teeth, but also provide relief from several gum problems, like bleeding gums. Put some basil leaves in direct sun. When it gets dried, crush them to form a powder. Use it for regular brushing.
Alternatively, take some tulsi leaves; crush them and mix with mustard oil. Apply the paste on teeth. Orange peel powder can also be used in place of mustard oil.

5. Apples
Apple helps in increasing the production of saliva. It also helps in maintaining a fresh and clean breath. Eat one apple a day to remove stains from teeth. It is to be kept in mind that apple should be chewed properly in order to extract malic acid. The fibres help in removing the stains.

6. Salt
Salt is the easily available ingredient at home. It is considered to be the best dental cleansing agent for teeth whitening. It helps in refilling the lost minerals of teeth and regain whiteness. Salt can be used as a tooth powder to clean teeth.Salt can also be used with charcoal to whiten teeth.You can also add some salt with baking soda and rub it carefully on teeth to reduce the yellow stains.
Note- Salt is harmful for gums and enamel. Do not use it roughly.

7. Charcoal
Activated charcoal is used to remove impurities from water. Powerful crystals of charcoal are used for whitening teeth. Mix some charcoal powder with regular toothpaste. Brush with it carefully two times a day.

Instead of charcoal, ashes of burnt rosemary and bread can be also used.

8. Margosa (Neem)
Margosa twigs can be used in the form of toothbrush. Chew branches of margosa for removing yellow stains and prevent teeth problems. It helps in maintaining proper health of teeth. It is known for antiseptic and astringent properties, which help in curing dental cavities and bad breath.
Mix some margosa oil with regular toothpaste. Gently use it to brush your teeth.

9. Orange Peel
Orange peel possesses calcium and Vitamin C, which fights against micro-organisms present in the mouth. It is also effective for whitening the teeth. Rub orange peel directly on teeth, every night.
Dried orange peel powder can also be used in place of fresh orange peel.

10. Hydrogen Peroxide
To get rid to yellow teeth, hydrogen peroxide can be used as an effective remedy. Use a mouthwash, which contains hydrogen peroxide, in order to remove yellow stains from teeth.

Take some baking soda and mix it with little hydrogen peroxide to make a paste. Use this paste for brushing your teeth.
Note- Do not swallow hydrogen peroxide while gargling. You also need to use it with caution to protect teeth from getting sensitive.

11. Banana Peel

Banana is rich in nutrients. In fact, banana peels also possesses minerals, like magnesium, manganese, and potassium. These minerals are helpful in penetrating into teeth and whiten them. Rub the banana peel on teeth for 2 minutes. Leave it for 15 minutes. After that, brush your teeth with normal toothpaste. Repeat this process for two or three times a week.

12. Crunchy Carrots
Raw carrots are a natural cleanser. Chewing raw and crunchy carrots help in clearing plaque from teeth. Carrot helps in maintaining acid-alkaline balance in the mouth, which kills bacteria. Similarly, cucumber, celery, and broccoli also help in whitening the teeth.

13. Raisins
Raisins help in increasing the production of saliva. Raisins should be consumed daily as it helps in scrapping off plaque. It also prevents the formation of plaque.

14. Cheese
It is very strange that cheese can also be used as teeth whitening element. According to various researched sources, consuming a piece of cheese after meal helps to promote teeth re-mineralization and prevent teeth decay.

15. Milk and Yogurt
Milk and yogurt are rich in phosphorus and calcium. These minerals help in promoting re-mineralization of tooth enamel. They help in maintaining cavity-free and sparkling teeth.

16. Sugar-free Gum
Sugar-free gums, made with Xylitol, are also used for whitening teeth. According to a research, Xylitol is a natural sweetener, which fights against plaque and helps in reducing bacteria in the mouth. It also increases the production of saliva and neutralizes pH levels in the mouth.

17. Oil Pulling
Oil pulling is basically used to improve the oral health. Take one tablespoon of oil (sesame, coconut, sunflower, or olive). Rub it gently on teeth for 20 minutes. After rubbing, rinse your mouth. You can also gargle with oil to cover all corners of your mouth. After that, spit out the oil and rinse your mouth with clean water.

18. Banyan Roots
Roots of the banyan tree are also used for whitening teeth. The aerial roots of the banyan tree act as a disposable toothbrush. You are required to chew the roots of the banyan tree. These roots possess astringent properties, which are helpful to whiten the teeth.

19. Citrus Fruits
Citrus fruits help in generating saliva, which helps in whitening the teeth in a natural way. Lemon, pineapple, and oranges are some of the common citrus fruits.

Note: Over consumption of citrus fruits can damage the tooth enamel.

20. Brush and Floss
Regular brushing and flossing of teeth is important for good oral hygiene. Flossing helps in maintaining healthy gums. Dentists have recommended flossing to be a significant activity for protecting your teeth from staining. You are required to floss two times a day to prevent teeth discoloration.

21. Bay Leaves
Take some dried bay leaves. Crush them and mix with an equal amount of dried orange peel powder. Add some water to make a paste. Rub the paste directly on the teeth. You can also use this mixture in dry form.

22. Apple Cider Vinegar
To brighten up your smile, you can use apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is used not only as a whitener, but also to kill germs, affecting the teeth. To whiten your teeth, start gargling with apple cider vinegar.

Note: Do not use it frequently; otherwise, it may damage your enamel.

23. Dark Chocolates
Here is an interesting fact for chocolate lovers. Dark chocolates are effective for whitening your teeth. These are rich in theobromine, a substance which helps to harden and whiten the surface of teeth.

24. Whitening Strips
One of the most easiest and convenient methods to prevent teeth discoloration is to use teeth whitening strips. These strips are very thin and coated with peroxide gel. They are easily available in the market. You are required to wear it for a few minutes in a day. If it is used continuously for a few days, effective results are visible.

25. Alcohol-free Mouthwash
No doubt, mouthwash helps in cleaning the mouth, but, most of the mouthwashes available in the market have excessive alcohol. Alcohol can dry out the tissues in the mouth and attracts bacteria. According to some studies, alcohol can increase the risk of oral cancer. So, be careful while selecting a mouthwash! Always pick an alcohol-free mouthwash.

26. Peelu Plant Fibers
Powder of peelu plant fibers can be used in the form of toothpaste. This non-abrasive powder helps in natural whitening of teeth.

27. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is also considered to be effective teeth whitening solution. It fights against the infecting bacteria and acts as a cleansing material. It is effective against cavities and root canals. For its usage, you have to mix aloe vera with vegetable glycerin to form a paste. Add some baking soda to it. Use the paste for cleaning the teeth.

28. Turmeric
Turmeric is also used as teeth whitening agent. Take some turmeric and roast it. Crush it into powder and add some salt and lime juice to it. This mixture can be used for whitening the teeth. It also keeps the gums healthier.

29. Rinsing the Mouth
It is one of the most ignored home teeth whitening remedies. A proper rinsing of mouth helps in cleaning the mouth effectively. Rinsing helps in preventing teeth from discoloration due to caffeinated drinks and sugar sodas. One should immediately gargle or swish mouth with water to remove the residual food.

By making a few simple lifestyle changes, you may be able to prevent teeth discoloration. For example, if you are a coffee drinker and/or smoker, consider cutting back or quitting all together. Also, improve your dental hygiene by brushing and flossing regularly and getting your teeth cleaned by a dental hygienist every 6 months.
If your teeth appear to be an abnormal color without ready explanation and, if other symptoms are also present, make an appointment to see your dentist.